Free Dissertation Examples

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Internationalization Process in China

The restrictions in China on companies to have control over them and the liberal nature of the governments in Western countries are compared and the paternalistic nature of the administration and its interference in the [...]

Logistics and the Royal Navy of Oman

Today, the efficiency of the military forces is highly dependent on the efficiency of the logistics department. Military logistics is the planning, coordinating, directing, controlling, transporting and management of the movement and maintenance of military [...]

Black Actors in the UK in the Edwardian Era

This situation was supported by various reports which appeared in the mass media supporting the 'underexposed' state of black British actors, the drain of talented black actors from Britain to America, lack of black stars [...]

Agricultural Policies in the EU vs. the US

It is the position of this paper concerning the European Union, and the United States, particularly in the light of the political implications on policymaking in the Agricultural Sectors, that both the EU's Common Agricultural [...]

The Terrorism and Oil Industry Relationship

Since terrorism is a source of political instability in the world, there is expected to be a positive correlation between oil prices and terrorist attacks. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship [...]