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Job Sharing: Advantages and Drawbacks

One of the means of reaching the said flexibility is the introduction of the job-sharing principle. The advocates of the approach suggest that the involvement of partners creates a more seamless working experience, contributes to [...]

Management Theory Jungle’s Concept

Thus, revolving around the history of management and theories that were created to describe different peculiarities of this framework, Koontz admitted an increased number of various ideas and assumptions that complicated the understanding of the [...]

Task Performance Criteria

The majority of the working activities of the database assistant are related to data management and other repetitive tasks that do not require a creative approach and are mechanical in their nature.

Globalization Evolution in the UAE

Attempting to answer the question of whether the process is more beneficial than harmful, the paper outlines the causes of globalization, its main types, and features that analyze its impact on economic growth and emphasize [...]

Moral Dilemmas in Business Ethics

As the author's thesis, it would be necessary to identify that author stress that perspective models, studied in the paper, improve morale and give us an understanding of the situation and, consequently, are more human. [...]

Marketing Channels: Issues and Control

The article under analysis is devoted to channels of marketing outside a country's borders, the processual issues pertaining to market control, and the role that is attributed to the head office subsidiary relations of a [...]

Evidence Profiling in Criminal Law

For greater convenience, Oorschot, Ballantyne, and Mitchell note that the collection of biological traces takes place both from the crime scene and from the surviving suspects and victims. Such an investigation may accurately establish and [...]

SABIC Sustainability Practices

Founded in 1976, the company has transformed the rural regions of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea into industrial capitals, has seen a tenfold increase in production since its inception up to the 2010s, [...]

Volkswagen’s Corporate Greenwashing: An Analysis

In particular, the 2015 Volkswagen emission cheating scandal has raised questions about whether the company's sustainability strategy was an actual effort to lessen its environmental impact. In conclusion, the Volkswagen emission cheating scandal and its [...]

Housing in Georgia: Rising Costs

The median housing selling price in the county is lower than the average in the state of Georgia. The median housing selling price in the county is almost equal to the average selling price in [...]

Organizational Structure: Project Leadership

They can include building a trusting relationship, overcoming resistance to change, timely conflict resolution, active listening the opinions of all members, and the conclusion of appropriate agreements for the benefit of the company. As a [...]

Music’s Role in Culture

Music and Youth Culture by Dan Laughey is a book entirely dedicated to the role and functions of music in the youth culture.

The Role of Costumes in Play

In the given pictures from a play, the character's costume can help to deliver information to the reader through hints about their social hierarchy or wealth.

Particulars of Human Behavior

As there is a limited and hard to get to amount of material objects, moral satisfactions and other acquisitions, people's competition becomes more aggressive and in the end, violent.

Irish Potato Famine

According to the Irish people, the famine was the worst in their history in terms of scale, duration and effects. Irish potato famine had a lot of implications to the Irish people and the world [...]

Heroism Around Us

A girl who sacrifices her life to save her friends, a single mother struggling with numerous constraints and a teenager who is eager to obtain education to help his/her relatives are all heroes as they [...]

A Bad Manager and a Good Manager

Management is defined as "the organization and coordination of the activities of the business in order to achieve defined objectives" According to the joined study of the representatives of Stanford University, McKinsey & Company and [...]

Company Analysis: Sears Holdings

It is notable that the objectives of Sears Holdings are aimed at increasing and adding value for its customers. One of the objectives of Sears Holdings is to continually re-invent the company through technology and [...]

The Creation of the State of Israel

This paper examines the anti-Semitism and pre-World War II Zionism movement, consequences of the Holocaust, and ignoring of the Arabs' interests as the major factors for the creation of the state of Israel.

Religious Studies of Movies

The film aligns the lives and tribulations of the Egyptians to the lives and troubles of Christians today. The theme of the importance of faith and trust in God is dominant in the film.

Writers who predicted the future

Years ago, in a meeting of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, George Scithers, the longtime editor of Asimov's Magazine, and grand old man of SF editing generally, gave a most reassuring piece of advice to [...]