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The Factors Affecting Mergers and Acquisitions

In the process of implementing M&A, managers assess the key cultural differences that exist in the merging/aquiring firm. From the analysis, it is evident that there are a number of factors which motivates firms to [...]

Agro-Terrorism: Definition and Impacts

The ultimate objective for agro-terrorism is to cause economic damage and lead to loss of confidence among the population in the government. It is the responsibility of the FDA and DHS Agro division to monitor, [...]

Teaching Styles: Fitness Director

Therefore, the paper aims to discuss the application of the command style, the practice style, and the divergent production as applied to the profession of a fitness director to demonstrate their usefulness for this specialist's [...]

Unlearning Race as Biology

It is scientifically proven that race is not a reliable shortcut or proxy but simply a distraction that does not let see the real and the whole picture of one's condition and situation.

Przekrój as a Rebellion Organization

Its role in learning the idea of the Polish nation and the history of the country cannot be ignored because it contains several stories, both subjective and objective. Their contributions to Przekroj varied because of [...]

Importance of the Social Model of Disability

For instance, the public perceives people with disabilities as dependents and burdens to their families and communities. Conclusively, the model suggests solutions that rectify the problems witnessed in the modern and disabling world to remove [...]