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World War II History

The consequences of the war had an impact on the political affairs of the world and resulted in a major change of the course of the history of the world.

‘R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul’

Scalia's views insisted that the Ordinance limited the freedom of speech and it only included the expressions regarding race, sex and religion and therefore, hostility could be expressed in other ways such as political association [...]

Role of Asian Women

With the much outcry of the woman's position in the society, many women have had to defy these outdated practices. Asian women have made a mark in the field of literature.

The Protestant Church Reformation

The urge for a reformation was also spurred by the emergence of humanistic philosophies and the spirit of the Renaissance, which drew increased attention to the teachings of the Bible and had the tendency of [...]

Gender and Diversity in the Workplace

The modern world of human resource management seems to have changed significantly and as policies and regulations change, the need to reconsider workplace gender equity and diversity has received considerable attention across organizations.

Quality Planning: Recommendations

The behavior of customers in respect to the company's activities and particularly cancellation of services and the reasons behind these cancellations should be analyzed carefully.

Schizophrenia a Psychological Disorder

The main purpose of this research study was to investigate the relationship between Schizophrenia and reading impairments that are usually experienced by individuals when assessed in terms of Oculomotor Control and phonological Processing The research [...]

Print Your Gun at Home

Modern researchers and public safety professionals agree that, coupled with the enormous information-disseminating power of the Internet, 3-D printers have the potential to turn gun manufacturing into a home-based industry, and banning 3-D-printed guns would [...]

The People of Egypt

Lane's interest in understanding the people of Egypt was demonstrated in his detailed work on this country and the ancient society that existed when this dynasty ruled the region.

Aspects of Criminal Law

It is worth noting that a behavior is considered to be a crime if the victim is innocent and was harmed due to the actions of the offender.

The Art of Great Wall

The Great Wall of China, one of the world's wonders and one of the greatest engineering projects in the history of the humankind is surrounded by myths and controversy which attract researchers and tourists all [...]

Cons of the Media

The media also known as the fourth state plays an instrumental role in keeping the public informed of what is happening locally, regionally and even beyond the borders as well as keeping the other three [...]

The Thread of History

For the past twenty years, society has experienced many rapid changes, and thinkers and writers often offered their opinions, as to what is going on under the surface and where the present world is going [...]

Natural Resources: Diamonds

The economy of Botswana is among the best in Africa because the country has large deposits of valuable diamonds. The production of diamonds from the three mines made Botswana to be among the leading diamond [...]

Love in Boys Don’t Cry

In spite of threats from his attackers and warning against reporting the assault to the police, Lana is nevertheless able to persuade the troubled Brandon to file a case.

History: Middle East and Asia

The article also expresses the validity of the criteria employed in the location of the place of publication for one of their famous article commonly referred to as the "The National Newspaper".

Right to Work Policy

This implies that the major objective of the right to work policy is to weaken unions and consequently lower pays in a state, therefore drawing more corporations there.

Strategy and Competitive Advantage

The purpose of the study is to investigate strategy and competitive advantage of private marketing companies both in theory and practice. Staffing the organization The experience and skills of a manager is important in improving [...]

Urbanization and Environment

The resources can be identified through the acquisition of knowledge about the environmental conditions of the areas in which urban development is expected to take place.