Free Argumentative Essay Examples. Page 2

338 samples

Americas Rise to Become a Super Power

This paper will argue that the U.S.moved so quickly from being the least militarized industrial nation in the world to the most powerful military force in human history due to its successful industrialization, economic interests [...]

Concept of Emotional Intelligence: Arguments

Emotional intelligence is the "subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and [...]

‘Animal Rights’ Activists and Racism

Nevertheless, while being thoroughly comfortable with the idea that it is fully appropriate to exploit the 'eatable' representatives of the animal kingdom, the 'animal rights' activists deny the same right to those, who due to [...]

U.S. War in Afghanistan: Pros and Cons

Although the US war in Afghanistan has lasted a decade already and is still continues as we speak, the United States of America together with its allies should still persist because the Afghan government needs [...]

Why Animals Matter to Us

Precisely, it is with respect to security that most animals are helpful to human beings. Conclusively, it is agreeable that animals matter to the human race.

Origin Question and Human Identity

Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans are the biggest ethnic groups in the USA. The spread of the Latin American minority in the US, Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans and Cubans have immigrated to the USA during [...]

Female Workers and Unions

Even as far back as in early eighties, Gorz was able to define the subtleties of such a tendency with perfect clarity: "Workers no longer 'produce' society through the mediation of the relations of production; [...]

Who Can Be an Autonomous Learner?

In fact, the most important for the autonomous learner is to know his/her strengths and weaknesses. Basically, I already know what it means to be a successful autonomous learner since I have in mind the [...]

Protection of the Innocent

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children reports that approximately 50,500 children in the UK are at risk of child abuse.

Social Networking and Depression

The findings of the study confirmed that once an individual engages in social networking, his or her feeling of safety goes down and depression mood emerges meaning that a correlation between depression and social networking [...]

Cypress Gardens Checkpoint

In Consult group style, the leader gathers information from a group of members and uses it to make decisions. In delegate style, the group is allowed to solve a problem and come up with an [...]

Nursing and the law

The defendant violated the deceased's duty of care because, instead of giving the patient the expected possible medical attention, she sought to transfer the patient to another hospital contrary to the latter's wish.

Virginia Teacher Holds Mock Slave Auction

The white children proceeded to bid for the black and mixed race students who were being auctioned Demonstration is a good teaching technique that makes lessons interesting and easily understandable but the extent of demonstration [...]

Anthropogenic Climate Change

Since anthropogenic climate change occurs due to the cumulative effect of greenhouse gases, it is imperative that climatologists focus on both immediate and long term interventions to avert future crises of global warming that seem [...]

Is a virus alive?

What happens is that the organisms that are mono-celled grow mostly because; when they are formed during the cell division they are usually small and they are supposed to grow and develop to full-grown cells.

America: A Nation of Immigrants

Overview America is a nation that has been built by these immigrants and therefore the extend to which the country should remain a nation of immigrants is a hot debate that can bring a lot [...]

The Benefits of High School Sports

The family will be relieved from solving cases that relate to deviance because their child is participating in sports. The community also comes together in support of their sports teams.

Adopting Renewable Energies

Proponents of fossil fuels assert that while alternative energy sources purport to be the solution to the problems that fossil fuels have caused, alternative energy sources can simply not cater for the huge energy needs [...]

Formal Written English is disappearing

Various research reports indicate that students are aware of the effects of the slang and formulated short-hand form of communication on the academic skills and formal writing, but in most instances, they are often not [...]

The Cloning Controversy

Considering the fact that most of the controversy about cloning arises from misinformation or ignorance about the matter, this study shall set out to conclusively research on cloning and its merits so as to attest [...]

Is the book of genesis an epic?

Because of Gods preferential treatment of Abraham, he learnt of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah, and had opportunity to plead with God on behalf of the two cities. It was at Haran that [...]

The Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage

Counteracting the argument that prohibition of gay marriage appears similar to discrimination is the idea that marriage, in the traditional understanding of the word, is the union of necessarily different sexes, a man and a [...]

Evidence that God exists

Traditional form of cosmological argument The argument presented by the cosmological perspective on the existence of God is based on the premise of an uncaused cause which explains the existence of a supreme and unconditioned [...]