Exploratory Essay Examples

289 samples

An exploratory essay is different from any other academic text. There’s no need to convince the audience. Instead, you should “explore” a problem in all its complexity and generate preliminary conclusions. You can use this text as a research proposal later.

A distinctive feature of the essay is that you track your thinking process. When, how, and why did you carry out such or another research? It is a powerful self-discipline practice for a future scientist.

You’ll need an exploratory essay sample if you don’t know how to write in the genre. You can access these exploratory essay examples for free. We hope you will find them helpful in your creative process.

289 Best Exploratory Essay Examples

Water Purification Process

The existence of free residual in treated water is associated with the absence of harmful microorganisms. One key advantage of using ozone to treat water is that there are few byproducts released into the water [...]

Skype: All you Need to Know

A number of features of Skype comprise Skype to Skype calls, SMS messaging, video calls, immediate messaging, and the capability to forward calls to cell phones of the users when the user is offline.

Natural Capitalism in Economic

Businesses are the major cause of environmental, social and economic problems in the society. Leaders in the organization should appreciate that the societal needs, improved productivity and profit maximization are the main objectives of a [...]

Photography and Beauty Perception

His resistance stemmed from the fact that in the early decades of photography, photographs were meant to idealize images and for a picture to be considered beautiful, its subject had to be something beautiful.

Liberty! The American Revolution

The thirteen colonies were not strangers to the oppressions and intolerable acts of the British parliament. The oppressions of the colonies by the British became a regular occurrence and the people sought a solution.

A Dream Job: Human Resource Management

A dream job is often discussed as the perfect variant because a person receives the possibilities to have an appropriate compensation and benefits package, comfortable conditions for working with references to the positive working environment, [...]

Obesity and Fast Food

In fact, a larger proportion of the gains in the body mass arise from the escalating promotional activities carried out by the fast-food producing companies such as McDonalds.

Water Pollution and Its Challenges

Water pollution refers to a situation where impurities find way into water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and ground water. This is a form of pollution where impurities enter water bodies through distinct sources such [...]

Power and Change in Louisiana

While deliberating the influence of the identified events and actors, the Great Mississippi flood in 1927, as well as hurricane Katrina slowed down the historical change, but the subsequent measures emerged to remove the effects [...]

The Crusaders and the Church

The information about the spoiling and mistreatment of pilgrims angered the crowd and hence they were ready to take whatever action the Pope told them would be necessary to take back the Holy land.

Social Cognition Aspects

The rise of "cognitive psychology" in the end of 1960s and early 1970s saw the term social cognition being prominently used. The encoding process in social cognition involves the interpretation of message, its storage, and [...]

Working Across Boundaries Analysis

Working across boundaries such as distance and business culture is advantageous for any company due to access to a greater talent pool and product markets, however, the fact remains that along with such advantages comes [...]

Credit Default Swaps in the US and UK

Credit Default Swaps are financial contracts that are similar to insurance policies where the insured parties are required to pay fees to the insurer, and in case of a credit event, the insured is subjected [...]

Nanotechnology in the Food Industry

The presence of PEG in the copolymer makes the surface charge less negative, thus enhancing the interaction of the nanoparticles with food compounds in the process of coating the food or the food ingredients.

Cultural Aspects in Different Societies

For example, in some cultures, funerals represent a time of feasting and making merry whereas in majority of cultures funerals represent a time of grief and mourning. Their different cultures enable them to tolerate the [...]

Bre-x Mining Company Scandal

This led to bigger mining companies wanting to share in the fortune, and several agreements were made by Barrick, Bre-X, The Indonesian government, and the Freeport an American company.

Various Leadership Practice Styles

While these leadership approaches are important, the individual characteristics of a leader, in terms of the self-belief, personal energy, as well as general commitment, play a crucial role in determining the success of the leadership [...]

Under the Influence of Alcohol

This paper highlights the summaries of the myths and facts regarding alcoholism as presented in the book, Under the Influence, a precise explanation of alcoholism by examining the underlying causes of alcoholism and how its [...]

Pre-Raphaelite Artists

The Pre-Raphaelites artists opted to go back to the aspects of art that involved copious details, complex compositions of Italian and Flemish art, in addition to the use of intense colors.

GB Events Technology Management

Therefore, it has a worldwide supply chain which enables it to move closer to the end users of the products. The company listed in the New York Stock Exchange is well known to the public.

Independent Aquatic Habitat Observation

The seasonal variations in the flow rates and water volume greatly affect the biodiversity of plants and animals living in the Trinity basin. Concisely, the variation affects the components of the habitats in the river.

Data Results of Statistics

In the analysis of data, there are four types of scales used in the measurement. Just like the nominal scale, ordinal scale is a scale used in qualitative data belonging to the same category.