550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 128

18,509 samples

Ballet and Jazz Dance: Styles Description

The form and line used in ballet dance underline the stage performance and make sure that the main and secondary performers each have their place. The forms and rhythm in jazz dance reflect the people's [...]

Ethics, Media and Criminal Justice

The reporting should be handled by the media and not by the punishing governmental body due to the fact that the influence of criminal justice on the news may become a new case of bias [...]

Community Corrections and Criminal Justice

Community corrections are the topic that has been the easiest to understand because, unlike other aspects of criminal justice, this is the area of the administration of punishment that is the most familiar to me.

Multiculturalism and Its Five Dimensions

By applying the principles of multiculturalism to any area of education, a teacher will be able to promote independence, lifelong learning, and critical thinking to students, therefore, building the foundation for their further academic success. [...]

Integrated Emergency Management

This phase ensures the readiness of the stakeholders to the occurrence of the event and includes allocating roles and assigning responsibilities. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge and address them as a part of the [...]

Tokyo as a Catalyst for Chemistry

With more places gaining more popularity and attraction, the desire to monetize such activities will occur, which is beneficial to the local economy. The first stage in making Japan more appealing is to develop social [...]

Nuclear Power’ Two Opposing Sides

Thus, should possession of nuclear weapons be based on the desired end as to justify the means? It is acceptable to purport that nuclear power may be used if such is meant to promote peace [...]

The History of the Koryo Dynasty

This type of rule was only aimed at enriching few members of the society and subjecting majority members to absolute poverty which is contrary to new dimension of governing. Yangban status was passed from one [...]

The Creation of the State of Israel

This paper examines the anti-Semitism and pre-World War II Zionism movement, consequences of the Holocaust, and ignoring of the Arabs' interests as the major factors for the creation of the state of Israel.

The Role of Costumes in Play

In the given pictures from a play, the character's costume can help to deliver information to the reader through hints about their social hierarchy or wealth.

Organizational Structure: Project Leadership

They can include building a trusting relationship, overcoming resistance to change, timely conflict resolution, active listening the opinions of all members, and the conclusion of appropriate agreements for the benefit of the company. As a [...]

The Benefits of a Protection Dog

Regardless of the fact that protection dogs are animals that can hurt people, they are loving and supportive family members that provide their owners with a wide range of benefits.

SAP Implementation in a Hospital

To unveil the reasons behind the success of this implementation, this paper addresses such aspects as major peculiarities of the process of implementation, challenges, driving forces and restraining forces to the change, factors contributing to [...]