10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 8

4,600 samples

DuPont Environmental Measures

The case study report provides the organizational background of DuPont SHE, the devotion to environmental safety, the implications of DuPont organizational culture namely the advantages and prospective drawbacks, as well as the right balance.

E-Marketing and Online Reputation

According to Hovancakova, the current trends and patterns in global marketing justify the importance of mobile development as a tool of marketing, but with the growing intensity of business competition, organizations and marketing professionals will [...]

Poverty Fighting in Saudi Arabia and in USA

This report discuses some of the poverty prevention programs that have been adopted by Saudi Arabia and the United States in dealing with a global problem, threatening the lives of billions of people around the [...]

Servant Leadership

In the context of organizations, leading entails the leader consolidating the efforts and resources of the organization and focusing on the future by setting up a vision for the organization which it intends to achieve [...]

Leadership Concepts and Styles Comparison

Effective Leadership This is the ability of a leader to consolidate, maximize and utilize the available resources both in the internal and external environment to the organization so as to attain the objectives of the [...]

Bowen family system theory

The Family Projection Process This is an extension of the previous concept and points to the fact that the family member who has a 'problem' is triangulated and works to stabilize a dyad in the [...]

Effective human resource plan

A firm needs to identify the job relationships in the company and the criteria for promoting candidates. In order to ensure the success of the HR plan, it is also imperative to have the right [...]

President Obama’s National Export Initiative

The conclusion will offer the author's own opinion about the export initiative The proposed strategy that the National Exports Initiative is expected to follow has the following steps: 1) The government is to provide the [...]

Developing Leadership Skills at QEWC

The third importance of leadership is that leaders offer guidance to the rest of the employees. This is a structure used by companies to organize their leadership on the basis of the demands and the [...]

Customer Value

This is the perception of value from the perspective of the organisations while customer value is the perception of the clients and what they need or perceive to be getting from certain products.

Enterprise Resource Planning Benefits and Risks

The ERP system is concerned with the management of information by integrating the functions of various business enterprise departments; for instance, the planning, finance, inventory, human resources, sales, purchasing along with the marketing departments. By [...]

Contemporary Art in China

However, the fruits of the struggles are worth the effort, if the current fame and reputation of China as a beacon of contemporary art is anything to go by.

People and Skills in Risk Management

Risk management is defined by several theorists as the assessment and quantification of the various risks that an organization runs and also the prescription of measures to reduce or avoid the risk in question.

Literacy Development in Adults

Barton and Hamilton and Purcell-Gates et al judge literacy, based on the ways in which literacy is used in real-life situations; the role of education in the development of literacy; and the importance of real-life [...]

Building Brand Culture: Apple Inc.

Brand image is attached to the culture of the company and it is important for the stakeholders of a company to develop corporate cultures which are consistent with the national cultures.

McDonald’s Benefits Package

Further, the company's plan to drop its employees' health plan has faced a lot of criticisms in the media which may damage the image of the company among employees and consumers.

Ethical Issues on HIV/AIDS

The issues to be discussed include ethical issues related to research and counseling for AIDS patients, discrimination, and intentional transmission of the disease and the protection of vulnerable groups in the society.

Strategic Plan for a Library

The steps taken by the committee First of all, a committee was formed; its major objective was to analyze the origins of the difficulties, faced by this library and propose solutions that can improve the [...]

Facility Management – Sustainability

In this business case, the issues we will consider include the role of energy in our sustainability planning, opportunities available for sustainable business operations and the strategy to employ in attaining this goal.

Real Time and Apparent Time Studies

The dimensions of variations in the sociolinguistic paradigm includes the adoption of theoretical aspects such as the concept of function, stylistic and social meaning, variation and linguistic change, bi-directional relations between the synchronic and the [...]

Hobbes’ School of Thought

Hobbes' school of thought believes that the political authority is sovereign to the populations, thus should remain obedient and fearful to the authority in order to enjoy the services of the ruling class.

Pepsi Cola International

The distribution channels are not effective in distributing the product to all parts of the region it is required to. The distribution of the soft drink determines the sales and the business development.

Running Head: Strategic Plan

The strategic plan for Queensland's department of education and training spells out the objectives for the department; the objectives outline the organizations aspirations for the four-year period.

Human Resource Management: Functions and Features

The essay also examines the Human Resource Theories, history of Human Resource Management, function of Human Resource Management, distinguishing features of Human Resource The following are the basic characteristics of Human Resource Management which are [...]

Higher Education in America

Studies conducted reveal that it is inevitable for higher learning institutions in the US to avoid change in the students' demographics in the future since the inclusion of the element of diversity in the higher [...]

Concept of Bioethics in Society

The classical assumption in the discipline of bioethics is that the field is concerned with the dilemma of determining the most ethically appropriate action in the healthcare setting.

Knowledge management systems

However, Alavi and Leidner narrowed down the application of IT in knowledge management to the following three areas: Coding and sharing of data Development of corporate directories Development of knowledge links and networks Coding and [...]

MechCon Company HRM Evaluation

Some of the roles that the human resource manager should be linked with in the executive body of the MechCon Company include; balancing the needs of the staff and those of the company, he or [...]

Disasters Management in US

These are some of the aspects that play an important role in analyzing and determining the situation and conditions of the population after a disaster, they also determine how different groups feel the effects of [...]