15 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 7

989 samples

Permafrost: Description, Types and Effects

The being of the permafrost is determined by the climatic conditions of the atmosphere, but the nature in which it is spatially distributed, its temperature and the nature of its thickness are greatly influenced by [...]

The Implications of the Fair Work Act 2009

This paper explores the factors influencing the implications of the Fair Work Act and to do so this paper has scrutinised the overview of fair work act 2009, view of the minister, view of the [...]

Conversion From Functional to Cellular Layout

Lean manufacturing and TOC stress the importance of maintaining a consistent macro-flow within the entire manufacturing facility for products, to achieve the highest impact in improving the productivity and profitability of a manufacturing plant.

The Issues of Race in the Military

Consequently, to fully comprehend and assimilate the nature of racial and ethical discrimination meted out on the black military personnel's or to better put it for military officers of different race or colour, one will [...]

The Problem of Childhood Poverty

Unequal income distribution, adult poverty, government policies that exclude children and premature pregnancy are some of the items from the long list of childhood poverty causes. Before discussing the causes and effects of childhood poverty, [...]

Back Pain for the Dentist

The aim of this essay is to review the literature on back pain among dentists, role of dental ergonometrics, prevention strategies and highlight relevant related musculoskeletal disorders.

Multicultural Diversity Conceptual Study

These include the meaning of multicultural diversity; brief theoretical framework of diversity; the aspects of multicultural diversity; the Impacts of Multicultural Diversity on organizational Work Groups; key factors that are significant in determining how successful [...]

Breast Cancer Assessment in London

In light of these developments, it is therefore important that an evaluation of breast cancer amongst women in London be carried out, in order to explore strategies and policy formulations that could be implemented, with [...]

Building Systems and the Building Codes

Under substructure, there are different structural systems that are employed depending on the size of the building, type of building, use of the building, bearing capacity of the ground, topography among many other factors that [...]

Community Health Assessment

Thus, to assess the community's health, it is necessary to develop and analyze the Anoka County community profile data, to conduct the windshield survey to assess the community needs, interpret the data, prioritize the needs, [...]

Cracking Naphtha to Produce Olefins

The purpose of the study was to establish the amount of olefin, gasoline and other crude oils that were to be produced in the exercise. To study the properties and applications of olefin and naphtha.

Australian Taxation Law Analysis

Because of initial tax avoidance and evasion, the federal government introduced new legislations meant to improve the efficiency and equity of the remission of income tax and sustenance of the system.

Global Business: Term Definition

This proposal aims to describe the nuances of introducing Tropical Smoothie Cafe in Canada and substantiating the choice of a specific strategy while taking into account the peculiarities of this company's activities and the business [...]