19 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples

132 samples

What does a 19 page essay look like? Go on reading if you want to know the answer! A 19 page essay word count is 4700 to 4750 words (double-spaced 12 pt.). This is a good size for a graduate-level essay or even for a research paper. There are 47 to 63 paragraphs in a paper of 19 pages.

When thinking of a topic for a 19 page research paper or essay, remember that this is quite a long piece. Your topic shouldn’t sound too simple. The Holocaust and its consequences or the concept of a holy war are just some of the options.

If you’re looking for 19 page essay examples, you can find them below. We’ve collected a list of papers for you to get inspired. Good luck with your writing!

19-page Essay Examples: 132 Samples

Nokia Company in China

In addition, the general plan of the competitor in a bid to control the market is a vital toolkit which this company can use to estimate the competitive edge of the market. When the target [...]

Business Culture and Muslim Financial Institutions

Objectives Examine the effects of Shariah principles to the performance of Islamic institutions in non-Islamic world To compare the growth rate of Islamic and conventional financial institutions To establish the quality and effectiveness of Islamic [...]

Concept of Documentary Photography

The purpose of composition in this case is to bring out a distinction between the different elements of a work that is being portrayed in such a manner that the elements of the work that [...]

Internet Communication and Graphic Design

To get a definition of graphic design and an understanding of the pieces of work that is produced by graphic designers To understand the extent to which the internet can help graphic designers in training [...]

Strategy as a Practice and Leadership

Strategies in an organization helps the manufacturer to understand how to work effectively with the suppliers and in return have effective supply chain for the goods and services to reach the consumers at the right [...]

Business Plan of ABC Fitness Center

In the content of advertise, the ABC center will highlight the positive sites, emphasis on the importance of fitness center in public health, environment of this center, and the advantages of the membership.

Operations Management in Coca Cola Amatil

In a bid to achieve the desired quality, the Coca Cola Company ensures that the firm is consistent in its operation, complies with the formulated operational procedures, and attains speed and perfection in the delivery [...]

Television in Emirati Culture

The UAE is the gateway of the Far East and western hemisphere throw a dynamic maritime linkage in ambition to welcome people all over the world to enjoy the cultural heritage of this region along [...]

Evaluation of Silver Spa

The mission of the business is to improve the wellness of its clients consistently by offering unparalleled spa services. Price is an important determinant of success in the industry due to high competition.

Business Review in Vietnam

The status of the economy of Vietnam is characterized by: Baseline at a low level Alteration to market economy Limited dependence of local enterprises on the global economy because the local economy is open and [...]

Using Food Preservatives Ethical

At present, the use of chemical food preservatives have gained prevalent use as many people have become tailored to the convenience of buying food that is already prepared, instead of preparing and preserving their food.

Managing Procurement and Supply

The management should know the inclusions that should be made in the contract and measures that should be taken to ensure that changes in the market forces do not affect the agreements made in the [...]

Vaccination Is Important

Many years of research and experiments showed success in creating vaccines for many infectious diseases, such as measles, rubella, hepatitis A, B, diphtheria, flu, tuberculosis, and many others. While some people see it as a massive step towards the future and improving health care in general, others disagree with the effect and purpose of such […]

Mega Toys Inc. Case Study

Through out the 1990, peter and Charlie built Mega Toys into a $25 million annual business and transformed Mega Toys from a buyer/ importer to a toys, character and brands.

Fashion and Architecture: Relationship

The paper goes ahead and gives view of the positive aspects and negative aspects of the relationship of the field in view of the current, past and possible future trends. Areas of similarities between architecture [...]