2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 92

32,218 samples

The Enron Company’s Ethical Crimes

They allowed the top management of the company to use complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records with an intention of enriching themselves.

The Uses of Waiting Line Analysis

The time one spends on the line is dependent on the number of servers; the speed at which service is offered by the server or teller; or the number of people that waiting in the [...]

The Cost Structure of Large Companies

The major reason why the cost structure of various types of information goods and services imply a market supplied by a few large firms is that the industry is associated with high fixed costs and [...]

Moral Relativism in American Society

The principle of moral relativism and its application in moral decision-making suggests that universally lawful moral principle is nonexistent. The principle of moral relativism maintains that the establishment of moral standards that apply to their [...]

Beowulf, the Hero of the Epic Poem

Wisdom in Beowulf's life is evident in his journey to Denmark and his reign over the Geats. At this time, all he had in his mind were the battles he was going to engage in [...]

HBOS Plc Company’s Ethical Dilemma

The ethical dilemma in the case is that the top management of the company used complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records with an [...]

Real Estate Market in India

The primary aim of the paper is to analyze the real estate industry in India through the example of the Urban Plus Company using Porter's Five Forces and the PESTEL framework.

Correlation Types and Their Uses

If only the first assumption is not met, namely, in the case when one of the variables is dichotomous, then the point-biserial correlation should be used. The interpretation of this coefficient is similar to that [...]

The Economics of Immigration

People in the host country are often hostile to the immigrants' cultures and want their complete assimilation while the immigrants find strength in their cultural background.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act provide the sets of the accounting principles, standards, and procedures which the companies apply to form the financial reports GAAP is the combination of the authoritative standards [...]