4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 12

18,783 samples

Physical Domain, Deforestation and Trends

In the political domain there is conflict in the effort to conserve the forests since some say the industrialization and urbanization have to take place first before conservation until Brazil provides jobs for people who [...]

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes

The level of the technology that a company has impacts the profitability and the going concern of the business. Expenses related to the internal and external communication of the organization should be reviewed from time [...]

Rhetorical Criticism of the Titanic

Jack and Rose develop a friendship They walk round the ship and explore all the hidden areas The people of the high class treat and see the employees and people from the lower societies There [...]

Tuition Reimbursement Program

A degree in business and communication will improve the employee's motivation to work and improve interaction with clients, which will enhance the image and integrity of the business.

There Will Be Blood

This essay analyzes the perspectives presented in the title of the film and how they help in understanding the concept' There Will Be Blood.' Daniel Plainview is a complicated character in the film who is [...]

The Art of Love

According to Ovid's work, it seemed to be normal to be unfaithful to one's partner, and that is the thing that is unacceptable in the modern society.

Workplace Hazards

One of the goals is to prevent people from carrying cold weapons or firearms to the workplace. This combined strategy can be the key to the elimination of workplace violence.

Basic Management in Business

Accepting one's weaknesses and acknowledging that one needs help are not the indications of failure as a manager if it is essential to consult others to avoid making terrible mistakes.

The Invention of Internet

Several events led to the advancement of the internet in the world today. The level of computer literacy in the world played a leading role in the advancement of internet as teachers and students wanted [...]

Discrimination in Labor Processes

The desire to make the rights of men and women at the workplace equal, there are "male" and "female" professions even though the number of women in male professions increases as well as the number [...]

The Issue of Abortion

In this case, I adopt this position because I consider the act of abortion of a fetus which endangers the life of the mother as being morally permissible and therefore the moderate position on abortion [...]

Concepts of Ancient Greek Culture

In particular, one can speak about the establishment of a civic state, the adoption of new approaches to education and science, the development of new artistic forms, and more critical attitude toward those people who [...]

Personal Is Political: Margaret Atwood

Her personal experience as a writer and success in different script writings and poetic works enhanced her political capability and ability, hence she could occupy effectively different political positions.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

To my mind, one of the key themes of the play is considered to be absence of mutual respect and support."It is obvious throughout the script of the play that everyone has their own agenda [...]

Managerial Skills

Firstly, the essay will determine the role played by the top manager as described by Katz and their importance and finally, whether an additional skill is appropriate to the role of the top executives.

Gender and Emotional Response

Therefore, the main objective of the study was to determine the effects of gender and emotion reaction by evaluating the expression rate of males and females towards negative and positive emotions.