5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 17

12,606 samples

Chinese Calligraphy

Unlike other types of calligraphy, the Chinese calligraphy is more of painting where characters are used as a tool of communication and to express what the artists' spiritual world is like.

Juvenile Statistics in Criminal Activities

Consequently there exist various factors that could lead to the reduction in the levels or rates of juvenile delinquent arrests, which follows a decline in the engagement of the juveniles in criminal activities that could [...]

International Treasury Management

The BACS system is very essential in the treasury management system due to the vital role it plays: The ACH system is called BACS and operated by bankers automated clearing services which is part of [...]

Nintendo 3D Principles of Action

This paper starts with the discussion of the principles of just noticeable difference and just meaningful difference, shows Nintendo 3D as an example of those principles in action, demonstrates how big trends have been used [...]

Impacts of Photography on Advertising

So as to discuss this topic, this paper shall: trace the development of photography on advertising; discuss the positive impacts of photography on advertising; and discuss the negative impacts of photography on advertising.

CSR and Strategic Management Concepts

When such a time comes, it is the responsibility of the managers to ensure that they come up with new CSR activities, which are in line with the new business strategies, and the organization adopts [...]

Christianity in Sudan

The suffering of the Christians in Sudan has been increased by the Muslim dominated Sudanese government. In social matters, most of the Christians in Sudan are marginalized especially those in the south and western parts [...]

Yield Management in Hotels

It refers to a procedure that deals with establishment of different prices for the services that are the same and then subsequent allocation of these services in a manner that increases the revenue.

Issues in Text Mining

It is common knowledge that the internet contains vast amounts of information, which may prove to be of no germane value in the absence of text mining processes and applications.

Contemporary sociological theory

This perception commonly referred to as methodological individualism, attests that "individual human action is the elementary unit that makes up social and that explaining of social institutions and social change is necessitated by a demonstration [...]

The Story of Qin Ju and Ermo

Concerning 'The story of Qin Ju', the main actress Qin Ju although she is expectant and she was in her last trimester could not burry her head in the sand after seeing her husband kicked [...]

Nationalism in Korean Cinema

In the course of his duty as a police officer, he arrest citizens and in the process tortures one by the name Myongsik in attempt to maintain order in the society that is marred with [...]

The selection process of candidate

The basic areas of concern during the selection exercise are the selection decisions, validity and reliability of short listing and interview practices as a component of the selection process.

Disabled People’s Rights

Majority of disabled people have a clear understanding of the fact that the society negates almost all their sexual rights with a few of existing privileges and considerations being left at the mercies of the [...]

Collaboration in a Not-for-Profit Organization

The stakeholders are the members of the community, the supporters, the contributors, consultants hired to perform certain duties, management professionals, and the staff. The members of the board must focus not only in the interaction [...]

The study by Wolfgang Kersten and Jan Koch

The authors discuss several important issues, in particular, the measurement of service quality in logistics companies and its overall effect on the functioning of these enterprises. From their standpoint, the results derived in the course [...]

The Right Brain Versus the Left Brain

The detailed analysis of these ways of learning elucidates the differences in learning patterns among students based on the side of the brain that is dominant. It is clear that the left hemisphere of the [...]

Human Impact on the Environment

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of logging on the forest resources in Uganda and offer recommendations that can be used to mitigate and manage the identified impacts.