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Detail History of Fingerprints

The history of the fingerprinting method dates back several centuries, and contrary to prevailing stereotypes, fingerprints were not used in forensic science. According to the assumption described in the books, people's interest in the patterns [...]

Systemic Racism and Discrimination

Thus, exploring the concept of race from a sociological perspective emphasizes the initial aspect of inequality in the foundation of the concept and provides valuable insight into the reasons of racial discrimination in modern society.

The Water Treatment System Project

The purpose of this project was to create a water treatment system that will allow for establishing and maintaining the provision of high-quality drinking water. In turn, the second part of the project includes information [...]

Corporation Values: Alcoa Corporation

In 2014, Alcoa Inc.and a joint venture it controls agreed to pay $384 million to settle accusations of bribing officials of a Bahraini state-controlled aluminum smelter, making it one of the most significant anti-corruption settlements [...]

Chatbots as a Healthcare Trend

Regarding legal issues, as chatbots become widespread, software developers should clarify the distribution of accountability for failures and mistakes that lead to misinformation, delayed diagnosis, or explicit harm to the user.

Researching of Abortion Rights

The authors of the three articles support my viewpoint by depicting the health-related and ethical risks that may take place if abortion laws continue to be restrictive.