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Jeff Koons’ Contemporary Artwork

The common artwork of the artist include the inflatable balloons toys and the pink panther, beside the life-size ceramic model of the late pop star Michael Jackson holding his favourite pet, chimpanzee babbles as shown [...]

The Analysis of TikTok Company

The service has gained popularity and a respected reputation due to the nature of the products and services it offers. The most popular markets of TikTok are the South and Eastern parts of Asia, Russia, [...]

Marketing Management: Project Overview

The competitive market environment in which the restaurant business operates involves the marketing of the restaurant. The orientation of the marketing tools of this restaurant to the requirements of specific market segments of national food.

Healthcare Climate: Nursing Profession

Nursing history is as old as humanity Earlier centuries nursing care was disorganized, unsanitary, and lacking in scientific foundation The modern definition of Nursing: A science and an art that focuses on promoting quality [...]

Nursing – Vulnerable Population

The objectives of my study were to find out the benefits of social interaction among these children, the different ways that can encourage the children to participate in social activities at the daycare center, and [...]

Computer-Based Career Assessment Systems

The sixth criticism regards the complexity of the information processing tasks involved, as it is likely that respondents will often respond to questions in a pragmatistic and intuitive manner, basing their decisions on their broad [...]

Religious Oppression in the Medical Field

In this way, regardless of living in the modern world that moves in the direction of eliminating borders between nations, the problem of religious oppression in the medical field is complicated to overcome.

Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night”

In a temporary post as a missionary in the village of Petit Wastes in Belgium, he recorded peasant miners' lives in his drawings. He was later exposed to Impressionist artists' works and became friends with [...]

Third World War Will Be Over Water

The severity of the case of water scarcity can be best explained by the inclusion of the problem of water as one of the main goals of one of the greatest development frameworks in the [...]