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Spotlight on Catastrophe Bonds

The insurance company is the entity that is charged with issuing cat bonds through the usual avenues such as investment banks. The cat bonds are the brainchild of Kenneth Froot and a group of economic [...]

Islamic Branding and Reputation Management

However, the status of Islamic branding does not emerge from the interest and demand for Islamic commercial services; it stems from the weaknesses and gaps of conventional branding methods and their failure to appeal to [...]

Managing Recourses in IT Industry

The outsourcing option for instance guarantees variety and quality since the outsourcing firms invest a lot of talent and expertise in the creation and provision of the product or service. The building of infrastructure also [...]

Types of Procedures in Prisons

The booking process involves procedures such as recording the name of the suspect and the reasons for the arrest. The officers then scan the fingerprints of the suspect and the information is noted down in [...]

Causes of Wrongfully Convicted

Witness cajoling and falsification of evidence were common in the cases that Scarcella had dealt with. The group pinpointed several inconsistencies in Chmil's cases that could have resulted in the conviction of innocent individuals.

The Employment At Will Doctrine

Moreover, the employees who obtain an employment contract are on the safe side, as their employers have no right to dismiss them until the end of the contract. The employment at will doctrine describes a [...]

Cultural Effects on Health Care Choices

Ann Hubbert of the University of Nevada argued that the healthcare profession must welcome and respect the existence of traditional practices, particularly the traditional Indian medicine, and recognize its role in healthcare and in the [...]

Self-Healing Materials and Their Using

The healing process of this material is almost similar to that of the aforementioned self-healing concrete except for the fact that the polymer uses the Grubbs' catalyst during the healing process while the self-healing concrete [...]

The Most Effective Antacid

Antacids are instrumental in treatment of constipation and other forms of abdominal complications. Proper knowledge of medical complications accords opportunity for individuals to understand and decide on purchase and use of antacids.

Education System in Canada

The reasons that underlined the development of school systems in the 19th century was the impact of constant immigration by Canadians as well as foreigners in the country, the change from agriculture to industrialization and [...]

Nationalism and Changing Roles

Nationalism has various effects to the people involved and this paper looks into the effects of nationalism on the roles of the working class, women, and minorities in an effort to achieve political power through [...]

Coolie Through the History

The strong presence of Buddhism and its practices and artistic impressions of designs in United States is an example of how Coolie history has denoted its culture across the world.

History of the Capitol Building

A detailed review of the architects involved in the design and construction of the Capitol Building shows the contributions they made and the approach they used to design and construct the building as shown in [...]

Work-Study Conflict in University Life

This research objectives include: to observe the extent to which students of property and construction are devastated from burnout; to establish a model of the work-study connection, describing the relationship between time commitment to paid [...]

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

While scientists are at a loss explaining the varying sleeping habits of different animals, they do concede that sleep is crucial and a sleeping disorder may be detrimental to the health and productivity of a [...]

The Pap Smear Screening Procedure

Transmission of the virus usually through sexual activities creates a high likelihood of development of a dysplasia on the surface of the cervix as the HPV viruses induce the formation of abnormal cells on the [...]

Walgreens: The Marketing Challenges

This can be achieved by reviewing the most lucrative aspect of the business and determine how to increase the efficiency and level of satisfaction of the workforce because their performance can surely impact the profitability [...]