1450-Word Essay Examples

2,215 samples

Women in Sports

The biggest obstacle for women wanting to pursue a sporting career is that they are expected to be feminine while athletic women are considered to be masculine and hence sports are not considered an ideal [...]

The World Surrounded by Money

This essay tries to explore, compare and contrast the activities in a wedding and funeral ceremony with special emphasis on Rebecca's one perfect day: the selling of the American wedding and Jessica's book entitled The [...]

Human Resource Bundles

One of the issues that are often studied is the impact of the so-called human resource bundles on the business outcomes, namely productivity, profitability or retention of workers.

The Ritz Carlton Georgetown

The name Ritz Carlton refers to a hotel company which is parent to a chain of luxurious hotels spread across the globe. This has been championed by the fact that it is a chain of [...]

The Phenomenon of Consumerism

The peculiarities of consumerism as the social notion of the World War II period influenced the development of the women's movements against the growth of the prices and even led to their controlling role within [...]

Criminal Justice Department

The criminal justice department is one sector of public administration that has had to go through a period of transformation as far as the usage of technology in the fulfillment of its role to the [...]

Total War in Modern World History

In this paper, I will explore the validity of the above-stated at length, while promoting the idea that the very emergence of the term 'total war' cannot be discussed outside of the fact that, throughout [...]

Wholesalers’s and Retailer’s Marketing

Through wholesale warehousing, a wholesaler buys the goods from the producer or manufacturer in large quantities and avails the goods to the retailers and in turn ends up distributing the goods of the consumer to [...]

The significance of security in SPA

Finally, the assessment seeks to explain why these problematic areas should be improved and justifies the changes that are suggested within the floor plan to ensure the clients and guests are satisfied with the services [...]

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson

These economic factors impact the behavior of the firm in such areas as deterring investments since it makes the cost of borrowing to increase and exporting of its products becomes difficult due to a strong [...]

Managing in the Global Work Force

When employees are exposed to areas with different cultures from what they are used to, they experience new ways of life, norms, rules and regulations which can be very challenging if a team from the [...]

Kelly’s cognitive theory

This aspect forms the foundation of the terminology of personal constructs which refers to the different ways in which individuals collect information and with the support of their understanding, use it to predict events.

Sustainable Talent Management

This paper follows the strategy for talent management described in assignment 3 to analyse the key concepts related to talent pools and talent review processes followed by the development of appropriate talent management objectives to [...]

Criminal Psychology

Although the above discussed theories indicate that anyone can be a criminal since the development of the behaviour is determined greatly by the environmental factors,Eysenck's theory of crime indicate that there are heredity factors that [...]

Green Purchasing in Furniture Company

A simple discussion by Burritt describes green purchasing as a process of engaging in purchasing practices that are environmentally-conscious with the aim of promoting the reclamation and recycling of materials purchased by the company.

Marvel Entertainment Case

By examining the profitability and financial performance of the company, it is easy to conclude that the company customers are receiving the positioning strategy adopted by the company positively.

Race, Ethnicity, Family and Religion

Religion on the other hand, is important as it forms the basis of ideologies that a given people would ascribe to family. This occurrence shows how religion is dear and important to the lives of [...]

Psychological Disorders in the Films

On his first visit to the new doctor, Bob identifies his fear of public places, heights, when he looks out of the window he rushes back and his fear that his heart will stop or [...]

Marketing Research Ethics

The approaches used in the research should not harm the relationship that exists between researcher and client, researcher and research subject, and the researcher and the marketing research industry.

Skills of Business Leaders

She is the best example of one of the most influential women in the business world. She has advocated for an end to child abuse given that she was a victim of the same in [...]

Business Plan Essence and Viability

For a business plan to appeal to the reader, the market analysis should focus on the external factors that present the growth opportunities to the business and how the business plans exploit the opportunities so [...]

History of American Colony

The elite were at the forefront of these vices owing to the need to protect their interests. In the new American colony, the elite did not epitomize liberty; they used their positions of power to [...]

Thanksgiving History and Significance

This holiday is celebrated with a lot of merrymaking and communal Thanksgiving as it is the day celebrated with an aim of showing gratitude for all the great things that life has given to a [...]

Cultural Diversity: Final Project

Since cultural diversity has significant impact on the society, this project examines different aspects of cultural diversity in the United States such as personal experience, benefits, challenges, and the role of the media and individual [...]