4400-Word Essay Examples

194 samples

Managing Organizational Change

It studies the types of change and the major elements of change, resistance to change, and the assessment of change. Organizational strategy shows the importance of change in an organization and gives the strategy of [...]

Culture and Workplace

Therefore, this case study focuses on the effects of multicultural workforce in Standard Charted bank, and recommends the best solutions to curb the challenges and increase the performance of the bank.

Oil and Gas Drilling Industry

The oil and gas drilling industry is a section of the larger oil and gas industry. The drilling industry heavily depends on the prices of oil and gas on the international market.

Mineral Resource Rent Tax Policy

According to Golob, the MRRT policy was expected to expand the coverage of the present Petroleum Resource Rent Tax; in such a way that as from 2012 1st July the proposed tax policy would be [...]

Rise of Cryptocurrency

The increased importance of cryptocurrency peculiar to the recent several years contributed to significant attention devoted to the investigation of this potentially beneficial means of payment.

Organizational Behavior of Emirates Airlines

The government of Dubai, owners of Emirates Airlines, claims that their company is the largest airline in the world, serving millions of customers with thousands of employees who are multi-cultural and coming from the different [...]

China: Impact of Energy Production

It was during this period that the government chose coal as an answer to China's energy needs, without being aware of the threat of pollution and the finiteness of oil reserves The Chinese economy developed [...]

Paris Exposition Internationale 1937

The light-hearted days of the liberated 1920's had come to an abrupt end in the United States, with the Wall-Street Crash in 1929; the first sound film was produced; the rise of Freudian psychology and [...]

BMW Group RBV & Dynamic Capabilities

In particular, the paper will investigate these important business aspects with respect to the company's recent acquisition of a carbon fiber plant, the prospects of BMW working in partnership with Toyota in the future, as [...]

EU Financial Crisis: Risk Management Failures

This is for example over- dependence on: the capability of managers to create returns.the merits of financial innovation in efficiently spreading returns and risks in the market, the sufficiency of data and models used for [...]

Problems of Juvenile Delinquency

The main aim of writing this paper is to carry out an examination of a juvenile delinquent in order to understand what pushes them into doing the act and applicable solutions which can be applied [...]

Addressing the Nurse Shortage

Focusing on the developed economies, the situation of recruitment and retention of healthcare workers, especially the nurses who are core to caring services in the healthcare, remains a contention in leading economies of the world.