11 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 13

1,921 samples

The Ethics of Patenting Medicine

The term 'intellectual property' is usually used to refer to the wide range of legal rights that have been put in place regarding new ideas and relate to patents, copyright and the related rights, trademarks, [...]

How to Create the Ideal Handbag for Women

This means that the designers and manufacturers of handbags must understand the needs of the women in order to produce products that are relevant in the market. The strategies of incorporating the preferences of women [...]

Marketing to Children Should Be Banned

Food marketing pressure on children and adolescents is complicated by the tendency of this population to underestimate their vulnerability to its influence. In addition, it can be claimed that marketing to children helps them in [...]

The Doctrine of Predestination

This paper aims to describe the concept underlying the doctrine of predestination in its historical context, identify the proponents of the tradition, and the consequences of its influence on Christians.

The Approaches to Reading Music

The purpose of this paper is to present the analysis of music pieces as a kind of narrative discourse and focus on a variety of views regarding the relationship between music and a narrative with [...]

The Crime of Sexual Violence Committed by Men

Therefore, evidence points to the prevalence of the crime but due to underreporting and other factors, perpetrators are not always punished, and it is necessary to investigate the causes behind sexual violence, which primarily occurs [...]

Cattle Products and Their Costs

The production is the thriving and essential agricultural industry in the country, which yielded $66. Since the cattle and beef industry rely entirely on feed grains, the supply of such products and their prices affect [...]

Sociology. Terror and Violence Impacts

A comparison between theory and the actual case is made in order to promote the claim that terror leads to mental health issues that will pursue the victims for the whole life, but such consequences [...]

Civil Procedures in New Zealand

However, under adversarial systems, the Courts, and more specifically the judges, act upon the evidence and arguments put forth by the attorneys of the contestants "Adversary theory holds that requiring each side to develop and [...]

High Rate of Star Footballer Contacts

Nevertheless, this lack of a proper regulatory framework is being brought under the scanner as a consequence of this arrangement's incapability to warrant the perseverance of the system of European soccer.

Adverse Effects of Solitary Confinement

The duration of the segregation varies, depending on the aims and intentions of the administration in carrying out the procedure. This notwithstanding, the negative effects of this practice on the prisoner make it a case [...]

Dyspnea in Cancer Patients

In the cases of advanced cancer, the purpose of a dependable assessment of the condition, Dyspnea is basically to be able to determine the best and most effective way of managing the perception of breathlessness.

Tobacco Regulation in the United Arab Emirates

Therefore the interest of this research is to investigate and explore Tobacco regulation in the United Arab Emirates and the discussion will largely be limited to Tobacco regulation Act, history of the specific law, personal [...]

Port Strategic Issues Overview

For instance, the expansion of the port through the addition of other terminals and upgrading of the inland transport infrastructure is proof enough to the customers of the desire of the port management to improve [...]

An Effective Hazard Management

Given the transportation of the substance in molten form, there is the likelihood of violent reaction with other substances like water and hence result in explosions in addition to producing gases that are flammable.