11 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 2

1,921 samples

Green Initiatives

This study will therefore explore the sustainability and importance of green initiatives in the hotel sector through an analysis of major programs and trends which have been embraced by some of the major hotels across [...]

Fire and Rescue Services Management

In particular, these aims and objectives will be achieved by answering the major research question and the set of minor sub-questions presented in the following list: What role, if any, does the UK fire and [...]

Remuneration in Western Australia

To balance demand and supply of labour in the country, the Department of Training and Workforce Development has developed strategies by aligning the workforce with the needs of the industry.

Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities

Despite these problems psychologists have always remained interested in the extent to which the gender differences are reflected in cognitive functioning and a variety of different measures have been devised to try and ascertain the [...]

Union Structure and Governance

The IBEW is made up of three functional bodies which make up the structure of the union and these include the executive body which is made of the International President, the International Secretary-Treasurer, International representatives [...]

Nike Company’s Business Model

The business model makes the suppliers and customers visible and as a result, it enables Nike Inc.to come up with measures that it can use to secure more value from customers and suppliers compared to [...]

The City beneath the City

The remains of the statues, the ancient graves, pottery and other important artefacts which have been excavated during the archaeological diggings in the Athens subway became valuable contribution to the archaeological heritage of Greece and [...]

Boeing Company Service Strategy

This is for the reason that all members of the company from high in the leadership echelon to the subordinate member are equally important, if the Company is to experience growth and profitability.

Sexual Misconduct: Problem and Solutions

Introduction The meaning of sexual misconduct Sexual misconduct as a problem facing many societies The scope of the problem History of sexual misconduct The magnitude of this vice in the world Problem conceptualization and [...]

Water Resources and Usage

The stressors that threaten human water security An analysis of the worldwide status of water as a human resource has been limited to the fragments of regional and state based assessments that show varying indicators [...]

Organization the business in Kenya

Doing Business highlights that regulation climate in a country affects the creation of new companies in the domestic market, employment creation and level of productions of those organisations.

Buffalo Meat Products Launch

The main purpose of the information presented is determine ways, which the current buffalo meat products would be launched in the market, the potential avenues of marketing the new brand products of Buffalo Meat, such [...]

Maersk Logistics International Strategies

The approach of international marketing of the company is one that ensures that it develops and maintains customer loyalty; after it has been contracted and made the delivery; it is its initiative to call back [...]

Aquarius Advertising Agency

The organization has account executives who should act as a link between the customers and the Aquarius advertising agency. Organization design and structure is imperative for the success of a firm.

The Impact of E-Commerce on Business

Generally speaking, e-commerce include; the business will effectively monitor it records, it will be competitive because potential users will be able to place their orders on-line as well as track the progress of the orders [...]

Bliss Travels Marketing Plan

In addition, it has also follow the provision of memorandum and article of association; Organisation structure: It has maintained simple organisational chart to operate more efficiently; Experience: The owner of this company has long experience [...]

The Key Drivers of Climate Change

The use of fossil fuel in building cooling and heating, transportation, and in the manufacture of goods leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.