5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 36

11,351 samples

Clerical Position Job Description

The copies of job descriptions for clerical positions obtained from the workplace indicate the requirements for someone to be hired as a clerical officer. However, the information given in the job description for a clerical [...]

Ontario Waste Recycling Policy

To understand the effectiveness of Ontario's Waste Diversion Act, 2002, the Environment Accounts and Statistics Division of Statistics Canada has become a critical body for collecting, analyzing, and providing trends and practices on waste management [...]

Single-Sex Schooling in Education

Fergusson documents that in single-sex schooling, boys are able to work hard without the fear of appearing "feminine" to the girls. Another merit of single-sex schooling is that it leads to the increase in self-confidence [...]

Alitalia Airline Company’s Marketing

One of the reasons behind this is connected to the aging fleet of Alitalia combined with the increase in the amount of low cost airlines that are currently in Europe and are in effect eroding [...]

English Language Evolution

Because of the consolidation processes which England was experiencing in the course of the sixteenth century and the following strengthening of the empire, as well as the establishment of the relationships with other states of [...]

Censorship and the Arts in the United States

The article titled "Censorship versus Freedom of Expression in the Arts" by Chiang and Posner expresses concerns that the government may illegitimately censor art to avoid corruption of morals and avoid subversion of politics.

American Civil War Issues

In the following weeks after the capture, both the Union army and the Union navy worked together, gaining ground upstream till the clash that later would be named the Battle of Shilloh.

Association of Parenting Factors With Bullying

The lack of the parental support is the main cause of students' deviant behaviors at school, including the cases of bullying, and those parents who pay much attention to developing their career cannot provide the [...]

The Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act is popularly understood to be the representation of "the people's right to know" the various activities of the government.