5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 36

12,606 samples

Enterprise Resource Planning Efficiency

According to Barker and Frolick, one of the reasons ERP fail is lack of consultation to determine the expectation of the client, capabilities of the product, and overall commitment of the client to the implementation [...]

Erich Hartmann’s Biography

As the book's name implies, it contains the biographical account of the life and career of the highest-scoring ace of all times a German fighter-pilot Erich Hartmann, who, ever since 1942, when he joined the [...]

National Security Versus Personal Privacy

With considerations of the security systems put forth by the US security agencies, drastic changes have taken place, affecting individual personal privacy for the American citizens with the aim of countering terrorism in the US [...]

Guns Usage in the United States

The American society also has divided opinions on the issue of gun ownership and use in the continent. Even with the great benefits of gun-use in the US, the situation also drawbacks in the society.

Unfair Labor Practices

Furthermore, it is wrong for government officials to profit from the activities of MNCs, when they have a duty to protect their vulnerable workers in the first place.

Caterpillar Company Analysis

When it comes to defining the income statement of the company, one may notice that Caterpillar has improved its total revenue in 2013 compared to the results that the company delivered in 2011; however, the [...]

Bullying and Child Development

Bullying is one of the common vices in schools that influences a lot of growth and development of children. Bullying also affects the ability of children to concentrate in school because they are always on [...]

The Musical Once by John Carney Movie

In spite of the fact that many modern musicals depart from traditional Altman's model, Once conforms to the model in many aspects because the musical's semantics is correlated with the traditional principles, except the focus [...]

Step Up by Anne Fletcher Movie

In the first two thirds of the movie, it seems that music as the tool for analyzing the stratification of the American society is the angle that the director is going with the protagonists are [...]

Should Churches Be Taxed?

The reason for this is that, as practice indicates, the activities of just about any Church are being ultimately concerned with making it possible for the affiliated clergymen to ensure the never-ending flow of monetary [...]

New Wave Corporation Company Marketing

Similarly, the corporation needs to address the rising numbers of complaints launched by the suppliers and the customers. The above solutions will enable the company to investigate and control Big Data within its marketing channels.

Destructive and Constructive Power of Groups

Individuals in a group often have different personalities, viewpoints, and experiences that lead to conflicts due to misunderstandings. These strategies aim to reduce the intensity of effects that conflicts have on individuals and the group [...]

Composer Charles Louis Seeger’s Works of Art

As such, the research paper investigates how the composer's works of art were useful to the music industry during his era. Currently, he is accredited to the revitalization of some genres of music in the [...]

Modern Civil War in Ukraine

The event selected for this paper is the current conflict on the territory of Ukraine. The portal demonstrates how the conflict appeared and escalated, how it moved from the center, to the West, to the [...]

Violations of Labor Rights of Workers

Murphy states that the situation of the workers is embarrassing both to the football federation and to the mother country. The material covered in the article is an example of the many cases of violations [...]

Employee Mistreatment in Qatar

The ministers of interior affairs and labor met at the country's headquarters in Doha to announce the new changes, a move that was seen to respond to the piling pressure from the international community.