What does a seven page essay look like? If you’re searching for an answer to this question, you’re in the right place! Such a paper is a standard high school and college assignment. That’s why it might be written on almost any topic. Religion, abortion, the Holocaust, and World War II are just some examples.
A 7 page essay word count is usually 1700 to 1750 words (12 pt., double-spaced). The length of a typical academic paragraph is 100 to 150 words. So, there are 11 to 17 paragraphs in a seven page essay.
If you need 7 page essay examples, take a look at the list below. We’ve collected A+ samples for you to get inspired. Good luck with your essay!
During a long period of time, guns have changed the world considerably: they help to defend oneself; they make it easier and faster to kill and injure people, very often, innocent people; and they obliterate [...]
The final phase in policy making process involves of evaluation and maintenance of the new policy and incorporation of the statistical tools to asses the usefulness of the proposed policy.
As is clear from the summary of Richard Wright's "Black Boy," Ella's hard work causes her to develop health problems leaving Richard with the option of looking for odd jobs to provide for the family. [...]
What will be the legal implications on the part of Henry in accepting a camera and a color printer for his son and to Clare in providing that assistance in view of their positions? According [...]
Since behavior could be observed, the school of behaviorism was born with the basic premise that the core subject matter of human psychology is the observed behavior or the various activities of the human being.
The second part involves logistics which refers to the totality of activities from the acquisition of raw materials to the final distribution of products to their retail points within required time and in the required [...]
The ratio of the urban population to the total population determines the degree of Taiwanian urbanization. There has been a decline in the agricultural industry and this could be one of the ways to revive [...]
There was a time when an unwritten law was passed about the silver jewelry and the fair trade of the jewelry was announced, so the retailer's demand of jewelry went high, it was the specific [...]
He believes that the government is not doing much to address the issue of the working poor. Although there are laws set up to protect the working poor, the process of implementing them is very [...]
It has been argued that the Miller's tale reflects a fall in social status a from the noble intentions of the characters in the Knight's Tale, and their noble standing as well, in contrast to [...]
In this case the systematic panic came as the mismanagement of the U.S.subprime lending sector and it has something to do with the unique structure of the U.S.banking industry.
As reported in the documentary series Unnatural Causes, "Segregation and lack of access to jobs, nutritious foods, and safe, affordable housing" can be considered the major factor that contribute negatively to the overall situation with [...]
The cornerstone of the study is the article written by Jennifer Eagleton wherein she described not only the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong in 2003 but also the way the media dealt with the crisis [...]
The name of the first one is Rafe and the younger of the two is called Danny. When Evelyn listened to the plea of Rafe not to flunk him in the medical exam she was [...]
Some of the solutions suggested by the Apple Company include purchasing specific cases for the iPhone 4, using duct tape on the iPhone or purchasing a software patch, which has the ability to alter the [...]
The paper also gives the reasons as to why the Corps of Engineers came up with the idea of building the locks and dams and thus their main mission and reasons for the facilities and [...]
The most "sound" in the context of "femininity" and "masculinity" are the pictures The Oath of the Horatii, The Death of Socrates and The Lictors Returning to Brutus the Bodies of His Songs and The [...]
In spite of the fact that, as a rule, one indulges into art to find the shelter from the reality, the author of the book called The Soloist explores quite a different issue of the [...]
It has to be noted that in the Singapore market, there is lack of differentiation i.e.all the hotels do the same things save for different prices and the different locations of these hotels.
The main causes of prejudice are explained and how they can be used to resolve and be used for the benefit of fighting discrimination and stereotyping.
This paper focuses on genetics role in healthcare of patents and defines the language of genetic manipulation, its safety, legal and ethical issues, as well as mandatory screening and the role of the healthcare providers [...]
This is the increase in the temperatures of the earth's air surface and the subsequent increase in the water levels. On the other hand, the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes oceans to [...]
This potential source of pollutants poses significant risks to the quality of water at the creek in terms altering the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and the turbidity of the water.
The defenders of the system on the other hand appreciate the marked role of juvenile justice system in rehabilitating juvenile delinquents and are advocating for the conservation of the system and reforming critical structures that [...]
For instance, after work, a woman may pass through the shopping mall on her way from work, she may be the one cooking once she gets home or she may wake up earlier than the [...]
There are three different types of methamphetamine they include dextro-methamphetamine the most abused and common form of meth its side effects are said to be fewer as compared to the other forms, dextro-levo methamphetamine that [...]
This strategy which was initiated in 1997 is the one that ensured the growth and success of the company. Tesco capitalizes on the power of strategic advertisement to sell its brand locally and globally.
The literature of the global age incorporates all the ecological concepts associated with the literacy of the ecology, ecological linguistics and the literacy of place.
Associating a brand with a powerful personality is however a strategy that has been adopted by many marketers in the past and that is why some of the major world brands like Sean John and [...]
The second is to describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of the top four competitors' situations and strategic approaches. It is in this same level, that the corporate is charged with the responsibility of [...]
On the other hand, Commodus who is now the defunct heir to the throne throws a fit after learning from his father that he will not become Emperor to the kingdom. Lucilla and Maximus had [...]
The proper use of art, according to this declaration, was to document "a true picture of the {Revolutionary} events" and shape the mind towards the revolutionary ideal[7].
The music of the Middle Ages is the church music, solemn and religious. He featured the essence of the epoch in his works and contributed to the church music greatly.
The credibility aspect of quantitative and qualitative inquiry depends on three different but related methodology concerns: first is the rigorous methods for doing research that are keenly evaluated, with attention to aspects of triangulation, validity, [...]
Biblically, the theme of 'chosen people' stands out in both the Old and the New Testament extending further to the contemporary society despite the evident changes in meaning as the paper points out.
The study linked the increased numbers of Internet shoppers over the years to be related to the increased access to internet use by many households and increased use of household products.
From this paper, it can be authoritatively stated that the denial of marriage rights for same-sex couples is unjustifiable and as such, the government should overturn this discriminative policy.
Initially the post of General Secretary was not so powerful in the party; however, following the death Vladimir Lenin who had led the communist party from 1917, Stalin strengthened the opposition by eliminating opposition within [...]
Due to the challenges of the ever-changing world, the people who were responsible in to providing solutions started seeking for unity and continuity among the people.
The natural light appears in a variety of types which gives the impressionist artist much freedom to alter the details of the objects in the painting using the natural light in different types.
The events of this affair since its on set, when they fall in love, the disagreements while in love and eventually the disintegration of the relationship are captured in the film.
The Puritan values of the 1600s as well as the people's openness to mystical ideas defined good and evil and influenced some Puritans to question the truth and abandon their faith just like Eve of [...]
The study hypothesized that participants' performances in the audience condition with competition are better than the performances in no audience condition and audience condition of the experiment.
President Nixon subsequently nominated him to the post of US ambassador to the UN, and his subsequent unanimous confirmation by the Senate was testament to the bi-partisan appeal that he radiated as a politician.
Besides, the paper shall discuss the issues, challenges and opportunities they encounter in the course of their career and elaborate on different recommendations, aimed to improve their prospects in the working environment to pave way [...]
In the movie, Tarzan is faced with the task of living in the jungle with his adopted parents or following Jane to England in the hopes of starting a civilized life.
In the 2000s, the generation involved in arts and fashion looked back to the past decades for greater inspiration, and it was able to keep new fashions.
The demand function could also be applied to the healthcare law and the demand of healthcare in the U.S. This would enable the federal government increase and improve the provision of healthcare services to U.S.citizens.
This thus leads to the question, is being ethical crucial for the survival of luxury fashion brands in the market? From the discussion above, ethics is a must have tool for luxury fashion brands to [...]
This was a strong sign of how Jafar wanted to be powerful, and at the same time Aladdin was also in need of power to enable him accomplish his love missions.
The fertility rate of a given species will depend on the life history characteristics of the species such as the number of reproductive periods in the lifetime of the species and the number of offspring [...]
It is this approach that is used by the management of Kraft and Cadbury to evaluate how the organization performed strategically. A table representing some of the BSC parameters that are used by Cadbury and [...]
The evaluation critical thinking paper gives an example that required critical thinking as well as the importance and benefits of critical thinking in decision making process.
A single parent refers to one who cares for one or more children without the help of one of the biological parents of the child or children. It is therefore important to note that society [...]
The main aim of one's personal responsibility is to ensure that the environment can also benefit from the gift of your appearance in that particular place or the society. Personal responsibility is the ability to [...]
The department of national defence worked hand in hand with the Canadian Red Cross and the immigration branch and was responsible for the movement of the war brides and their children to Canada.
The structure of the company as it is supported by their global strategies, gives a multinational structure that is interlinked especially in regard to the portfolio of their business units.
Good internet connectivity coupled with the fact that the cost of using the internet is very cheap make people to spent countless hours in the internet.
Background When a native speaker of a particular language is speaking to a person who has learnt that language as their second language, it is very common for the native speaker to try and adjust [...]
0 Table 2: Demographic distribution by Age and Colour of Cape Town in 2007 Population Age Distribution: Figure 3 demonstrates that the age distribution of the pupation in 2007 based on gender and race shows [...]
The second principle of TQM is that the problem in most companies is the processes but not the people. This was based on the fact that the quality of the products was determined by all [...]
In a bid to assess the problematic areas, this report delves into assessing the floor plan by first evaluating the proximity of departments with regard to their relationship, and then analysing the plan with regard [...]
The characters from The Epic of Gilgamesh help to realize a true essence of heroism as a concept and accept heroes as ordinary people, who are able to develop good relations, set goals, and be [...]
Illustrating the plights of African-Americans, Edward Jones' story, "lost in the city" describes the discontentment of Africans amid the White community.
In addition, the organization is faced with the challenge of resources and the need to increase its revenue. The third core competency of the US Marine Corps is the provision of integrated quality life operations [...]
The stadium is one of the major breakthroughs in the construction technology. The removal of the retractable roof helped in reducing the weight of the building holding the stadium.
One of the factors that lead to the failure of public-private partnership projects is the lack of transparency when evaluating the progress of the project.
Keys to success The company's keys to successes include: Provision of services that meet consumers' needs Effective and continuous marketing User friendly and trendy website Enhancement of product quality The goal of ClothesHome Company is [...]
The prevalence of soul dancing in Japan in the earlier years also formed the basis for the wide acceptance of the hip-hop culture into the Japanese culture because soul dancing was common in the streets [...]
Since the beginning of the protests, the police and local government officials tried to quell the riots. The protesters in Ningbo had a reason to stage a protest since the government started the project without [...]
In her opinion, her entry into fashion was purely by chance because although she loved fashion as she was growing up, it never occurred to her that she would build her career in it.
The major purpose for establishing security guidelines is to set an organization's data security standard and describe the role of employees in safeguarding the documents of the firm, as well as the significance of a [...]
Vivian had to assume the role of a mother and was even forced to quit college so that she could babysit her daughter; something that must have generated some stress in her life.
On the other hand, one is to keep in mind that the main purpose of the kind of communication is to aid in the formulation of thoughts or ideas, which are expressed through speech.
With the fine details included in the memoir, it helps a reader to walk through the Chinese revolutionary era and witness the havoc that the revolution triggered by Mao Zedong had on the Chinese people. [...]
The foremost reason why I think that the book's Chapter 1 is particularly relevant, within the context of how people go about trying to gain a better understanding of religion, is that it points out [...]
Bipolar spectrum, that is, the range of this disorder lies within three broad categories: bipolar II, cyclothymia, and bipolar I.this spectrum depends mainly on nature and asperity of the mood episodes that one goes through.
The law does not provide the consumers with measures to enforcing the online contracts because the argument is that, it is impossible to tell the intention and the consent of the consumer when they signed [...]
The theory of cognitive behavior group therapy is based on the ability to conceptualize information for each member of the group and the group as one whole.
Ipv4 addresses are supposed to be run out in the next two years that is why it's alternative which is Ipv6 is needed for the proper arrangement of the messages.
Of course, one of the simplest and quickest ways for the authorities to calm down the rebels is to proclaim the existence of heresy and provide inquisition with powers to control the society.
During the 1960s notable achievements were made including the passage of a Civil rights Act in 1964 that outlawed any form of discrimination towards people of a different "race, color or national origin in employment [...]
The earliest known form of the virus was detected from a blood sample of a man in the Democratic republic of Congo, but the means with which this man got the virus is mystery up-to-date.
The determination of the student's long-term goals is the most important task of the educators according to which it is possible to work out the other aspects of the transition plan.
The first clause calls for distribution economic and social disparities in a way that, "they are to be of the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of society".
The Entitlement Theory of Justice is intended to submit an explanation of what justice necessitates in relation to property and is divided into three doctrines which are; the principle of justice in rectification, justice in [...]
By the mere fact that the suppliers are very few, actions of one of the suppliers in the market are largely expected to affect the actions of other suppliers.
The regard given to the employees by the managers at the SAS institute is as directed by the CEO, who feels employees are the best asset the company has. The package and the rewards that [...]
With this in mind, this paper shall set out to evaluate the impacts of overpopulation to the political, cultural, anthropological and economical perspectives to various economies and societies.
In addition to this, the number of students enrolled and the existing ones far exceeds the accommodation houses offered by the University and as a result, most transfer students who are not from the Twin [...]
The too big to fail concept is a reaction to the continued mergers and acquisitions in the financial sectors, which leads to a complexity of financial institutions.
The primary objective of the advert in this case is to promote the sale of the product being advertised. The deconstruction process involves a breaking down of the complete whole into various components so as [...]
The book seems to make use of previous writings like Paradise Lost one of the books that the monster reads, Shakespeare and Don Quixote for instance, the Arabian lover and the sequence of the monster's [...]
An example of the lack of a good relationship between the employee and the manager occurs when a manager is standing too close or if the employee is feeling uneasy with the presence of the [...]
It is therefore the duty of the management of social media sites such as Facebook, twitter and You Tube to protect themselves and their users from infringement of privacy.