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The Irish Republican Army History

The formation of nationhood and its evolution is associated with the attempts to protect its culture, mentality, and independence from the expansionistic ambitions of neighboring countries trying to grasp new territories and increase their power.

Zebra Paradox: Truth About Zebra Stripes

Although most zoologists believe that zebras are white with black stripes, the fact is that the animal's primary color is black with elements of white because there are no parts of the zebra's body that [...]

Public Health Informatics

Sepulveda indicates that the field of public health informatics has suffered significantly due to the inability of different professionals to appreciate modern inventions that have the potential to mitigate various health problems.

The Interpretation of China’s Strategic Culture

The discrepancies between the Confucian rhetoric of the decision-making elites and the actual strategic behavior of China has attracted the attention of many scholars, each of them having an opinion of the country's strategic culture [...]

Trade and Policy: Main Aspects

The US Agricultural and Enterprise policies tackle production and productivity from the perspective of the farmers. For instance, in coffee production, the US is a member of the International Coffee Organization, which exports and imports [...]

Alfred Nobel as an Explosives Inventor

This paper discusses Alfred Nobel's work with explosives for military and industrial use leading to his contribution to the world of the Nobel Peace Prize. As such, Nobel had to come up with a way [...]

Ethical Issues: Risk Tolerance

It might be possible to state that when it comes to issues related to risk tolerance, the ethical dimension of these issues is similar to other their dimensions in some ways, but different in others.

Price Management for Customer Loyalty

In the MSNBC interview with Bob Prosen, the concept of the methodological price increase was discussed. The given example illustrates the importance of open communication and trust in the workplace.

Social Disorganization Theory in Criminology

According to Cullen, Agnew, and Wilcox, this term describes the emergence of crime as a logical factor, which is manifested in those communities that are unstable or disorganized. While evaluating this crime from a theoretical [...]

Operation Ceasefire Boston: Program Evaluation

In the case of Operation Ceasefire, the initial evaluation question might sound as follows: "Will introducing a prevention program supported by the police and local authorities help tackle gun violence in Boston, Massachusetts?" The evaluative [...]

Anomie and Strain Crime Theories

For example, the theory states that in the US, individuals are likely to engage in crimes to pursue monetary gain because the government promotes monetary success while not stressing the significance of legitimate ways for [...]

Cross-Training in Intensive Care Unit

The students who took this course will exhibit the mastery of: Assessment of the need for care under time constraints and in adverse conditions; Provision of assistance to critically ill individuals with precision, speed, and [...]

Budget Management Tools in Atlanta and Georgia

Unlike the budget system of Atlanta/Georgia, the federal government's budget is required to follow certain rules to propose or implement the budget, for example, the resident initially submits the budget request to the Congress, and [...]