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Description of Yayi Jia Vessel

The characteristics of this age were an improvement of cultural interactions, the emergence of new technologies, and stratification in society as well as a reorganization within the community.

The Job Insecurity Scale

There are a lot of reasons of the rise of the job insecurity scale. According to Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt, job insecurity is best measured as the interaction of several components.

Religion and Marxism in Metropolis

Speaking about the way the film addresses religious topics the characters of Maria and John Frederson, the story of Babylon, and the idea of Mediator is to be mentioned.

Architecture and the Environment

With today's research people have been made aware of the advantages and disadvantages that have been brought about by the architecture of surrounding infrastructure."The amount and size of windows in a room, openness, shape/form and [...]

The Concept of Miscegenation Laws

The formulation and implementation of the miscegenation laws dates back to the practice of slavery. Of great importance is the fact that the laws had direct impacts on the values that were held in high [...]

7 Eleven: Business Strategies

In their efforts to establish and implement the best strategies, business managers have adopted the use of Information Technology to lower the costs of services and goods; by providing easy access to information in various [...]