2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 155

32,218 samples

Adam Smith: The Noted Economist

Eventually becoming a noted lecturer and author, his most notable works include 1959's The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry Into The Wealth and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, which he wrote in [...]

Risk Analysis in Engieering

Quantitative risk analysis involves a numerical determination of the probabilities of various adverse events, whereas the qualitative risk analysis defines the various threats in order to determine the extent of vulnerabilities.

Importance of Accreditation Agencies

The need of accrediting in the educational establishments is vital, for the support of different governmental and non-governmental organizations can evaluate the extent of training and skills gained during the years of studying.

The Life and Work of Thomas Paine

Washington gave an order to read it to soldiers to support their fighting spirit In 1787 Thomas Paine came to France, in 1791 he published the first part of the work "Rights of Man", in [...]

“Decision Without Blinders” by Max H. Bezerman

The article focuses on the problem regarding this and the techniques to increase awareness among people. The main problems that cause bounded awareness are failure to see information, seek information, use the information, and share [...]

Business Philosophy Used by Creative Designs

Given that the business philosophies of social and relationship marketing have to be used, the strategy for selling the pen will initially require me to reveal that I have a great product, a product that [...]

Emancipation Causes in After-War Period

The end of the American Civil War brought considerable reconstruction to the South through emancipation development and slavery destruction; it is necessary to stress that the beginning of the emancipation era appeared to be the [...]

Improvement of Logistics Processes

The first way to improve logistics processes is to start dispatching the products directly to the customers. Bokomo Foods is one of the organizations for which both the abovementioned changes of logistics processes will be [...]

What’s in the Meat

Another difference between President Barack Obama's direction and those given in the article is that earlier the federal departments responsible for upholding the food safety system of the USA were complexly under-funded and understaffed due [...]

Marketing in Logistics Handy Andy

In the course of an in-house telephone survey we conducted into the need and feasibility of offering extended five-year warranty, we uncovered gaps in both the retail and outbound logistics processes management that need to [...]

Professional Knowledge and Abilities

Having the necessary knowledge and abilities in a certain profession highly influences people's values and attitudes towards the profession, hence influencing the success of their careers.

Efficacy of the Taxes Act 2003

This paper critically examines the efficacy of the Taxes Act 2003, passed by former President Bush by cutting personal taxes and depreciation rates, in order to create more incomes and thus increase consumer spending, leading [...]

Definition of Marriage. Reward of Marriage

For many years, social scientists have argued on the reward of marriage due to the distinctiveness of the populace who get married and stay married. As a result, the definition of marriage can be broadened [...]

International Issues: Global Equity Markets

With the opening of international trade routes and globalization of movement of goods, services and utilities, spawned by technological advancement and the internet, global equity markets have been receiving wide attention in recent years, thanks [...]

What Titans Can Teach Us?

What they had with them seems extraordinary and asking present entrepreneurs to enumerate them may seem impossible, perhaps owing to the challenges in the business world these individuals had to equip themselves with skills and [...]