4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 13

18,783 samples

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

In the real sense, it is at the Green Knight's abode that Gawain rests on his way to the chapel. This causes Gawain to flinch and he is reprimanded by the knight for that action.

Employee Training and Development

By evaluating a wide variety of the workforce in an organization ranging from directors, managers, and supervisors to internal consultants and sales people, an organization is able to put into place individual, team, as well [...]

Defamation and Law

Defamation has been noted to be the issuance of statements which are not true and which are meant to harm the reputation of a person.

Freedom of Expression Essay

For one to be in a position to gauge the eventuality of a gain or a loss, then there should be absolute freedom of expression on all matters irrespective of the nature of the sentiments [...]

Competitive Point-of-Difference

Since the main objective of a point of difference is to locate a benefit that differentiates the brand from others of the same type, a company has to find a feature that will motivate its [...]

Leadership in Organization

Leadership is applicable in the nurturing and development of constructive behavior patterns and organizational culture. Charismatic leadership is appropriate for the development of followers.

Cigarette Advertising

For instance, slogans like "Just what the doctor ordered" serves to demonstrate appeals that challenge the health fears that may hamper successful penetration of the product to the market."The secret of life is in the [...]

Architecture as a Career Field

From this point, architecture as a career field includes the knowledge of the architecture history, modern tendencies and the practical realization of the knowledge in the processes of planning and constructing.

The Gilded Age

Only money solved all the problems and was the source of the decisions in the USA."The Gilded Age celebrated two kinds of virtues: those of the soldier and those of the entrepreneur" and this phrase [...]

Description of a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is defined as a business document prepared with the aim of giving detailed information about the current position of a business in the market and the marketing strategies it plans to employ [...]

Coca Cola Advertisement

Most of the communication in this advertisement is visual, and the subject of advertisement is repeatedly used throughout the advertisement. The context of this advert is also very essential in deriving the meaning of the [...]

JC Penney Pricing Strategy

The fundamental objective of this strategy is to increase the customer base. Of course, the result would be a significant decline in the number of customer visits to the company stores.

The Concepts of Free and Fair Trade

Therefore, free trade allows the invisible hand of the market to take control of the situation. Milk and milk products are not among the products that are traded fairly in most countries of the world.

Pricing Goods Internationally

The theory states that if there is no arbitrage, then the difference in interest rates of two currencies will be depicted on the premium or discount for forward exchange rate of the foreign currency.

Psychological Freedom

Wilson's experience relates to the experience of Cory and his father Troy in the play. The play exhibits determination that Troy employs as he faces numerous challenges in life that prompt him to endure and [...]

SWOT analysis of Giordano

In addition, the company enjoyed the benefits of being the first company to explore the clothing business, which enabled it to establish its stores at convenient locations in the region.

SWOT Analysis for HMI

The name is expected to attract the youth, who make the majority of the market share in the industry. This would cause a lot of financial damage to the firm.

Children Development

List of the possible exercises aimed at developing reading and writing in different age groups Therefore, it may be concluded that language skills, reading and writing development differ greatly at various stages of children development. [...]

The Analysis of the Film: One Week

The film's story is based round the attempts of the newlyweds to build the house from the prepared materials and according to the directions received as the wedding gift.


In order to confirm that the patient has hypertension, blood pressure test would be repeated. Trends of adhering to medications offered in the past and barriers that hindered the patient from adhering to the medications.

Analysis of the Problem of Pain

The lack of consensus regarding the nature and effect of pain in religious context has produced a number of arguments, which, in their turn, can be tracked down to the famous truth claim of Jesus [...]

Usage iPads in Schools

The iPad offers a lot of flexibility to both learners and teachers on learning methods used in the classroom and outside the classroom. Students are able to access different classroom assignments and exercises which their [...]

Customer Satisfaction Theory

In all the searches, the major message regarding service recovery is that the main objective of service recovery is to accurately identify customers who experience issues of dissatisfaction and then promptly address those issues to [...]

Incident at Morales

The purpose of this article is to highlight the ethical issues surrounding the engineering profession. The company's desire to make profits and dominate the market compelled the management to disregard ethics of the engineering profession.

Language Planning

One of the reasons in this group would certainly be that the capital city of the new country is located on the territory where Caspian is the majority language.