4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 37

18,783 samples

Erikson’s Personality Theory

Erikson postulates that the genesis of the personality development is from the innate characteristics of a child that are sequentially build through the eight stages of personality development under the influence of the society and [...]

The Commerce Bank Cherry Hill

The Commerce Bank Cherry Hill is a New Jersey training centre at Commerce University, with Deborah Jacovelli being the dean of the university who observed that there were many innovative methods for energizing the company's [...]

Early Literacy Development

The literacy development is a concept related to acquisition of reading and writing skills. The problem of literacy development in preschool-aged children requires a specific approach to be taken and applied.

Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel

According to Caldeira and Ward, Resource-based theory helps to "understand how organizations achieve sustainable competitive advantages", and its main focus is mainly on the effectiveness of the organization in its pursuit of competitive edge in [...]

Integration of Essays on Linguistics

The set of articles reviewed in the present work provide a deeper understanding of the connections that a language has with the reality on any level, the functions that it plays in reflecting the human [...]

Abraham Lincoln: The Vampire Hunter

The plot focuses on the sinister plan of the vampire world to take of the control over the Untied States and, therefore, Lincoln decides to liberate Americans from the vampire's dominance and eliminate their influence.

Private Sector Partnerships

As the Incident Commander, the first step would be to notify the law enforcement agencies and other authorities with the training to anticipate and manage risks effectively. The transport sector provides quick mobility to the [...]

Jiangsu Province Tourism

1 Environmental analysis of tourism in this province clearly indicates that this province has remained one of the most popular destinations for tourists who want to understand the historic and cultural heritage of the Chinese.

Business Requirements: Merging Two Companies

Since it involves centralization of operations, it will utilize the idea of the Project Portfolio Management System to enhance the efficiency of managing the multiple projects and contribute to the achievements of the overall goals [...]

What Is Going on with the US Economy?

In the domestic sphere," the financial crisis of 2008 exposed weaknesses in the US economy". Evaluation of the forces underlying U.S.adaptability to changing economic forces The US is the largest and most technologically advanced economy [...]

Feminist Political Change

Indeed, the state is the sole source of all liberalism movements in the society, and success depends largely on the collective security given by the state.

Employee Motivation at Wal-Mart in China

That is, the company's mission is to meet the expectations of its clients and not employees. In other words, if the factors that motivate employees are fully provided, they are likely to become motivated and [...]

Hotel des Bergues Analysis

What makes the hotel different and what encompasses the hotel's advantage is that the services are often personalised. The specific attitude of the staff is a characteristic feature of the hotel which justifies the high [...]

Religion in the Modern World

In ancient times, most religions served to answer mysteries of the universe, such as the question of creation, existence of the sun and the moon, meaning of life, and myriad other phenomena that could not [...]

Examining Acceptable Use Policies

Among the Level 3 rights are: the right to terminate or suspend the service, the right to cooperate with investigators, the right to modify the policy, the right to filter the information.

Digital Surveillance System

In general, it must be acknowledged that the surveillance systems can make mistakes, although the computers or cameras are not installed to replace people but to help investigators by getting rid of information that is [...]

ASOS Company Advertising Campaign

The budgeted amount for the campaign is $500,000 and the advertisement will start from the month of July. The objective of the campaign is to increase the sales by the end of July by 5%.

Family Centred Practice in Child Protection Services

Benefits of Family Involvement in Family Centred Practice The treatment and involvement of family members in family centred practice has been found to be extremely important in positively influencing the stability of children's placement in [...]

Merck & Co: Facilitating Change

The main aim of introducing change in an organization is to improve the current way of doing things to secure better performance in the future that is likely to give the organization competitive advantage.

SG Cowen

The hiring process in the company is based on the strategy of choosing the best candidate in the MBA class from the top business colleges.

Future Leadership Pipeline

To attain the mission and vision of the company, future leaders will require knowledge in marketing and public relations. This will allow them to safeguard positions that are critical to the success of the organization.

Sprint La Conexion Familiar

The management is trying to threaten the employees that it will close the plant if they join a union. The company should talk with the employees to identify the challenges that force them to join [...]

Grip Golf Glove – Pricing an Innovative Product

Competent company executives always strive to provide leadership that enables the marketing staff to clearly identify the characteristic of the target market and enable them to provide tailor made products and services that are suitably [...]

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity

For instance, the fact that the sun rises from the East and settles in the West is a subjective reason. Objective and subjective reasoning apply to different people in the society.

Gender Violence in the News

Due to the magnitude of attention that violence against women has received in the recent past, the media too has increasingly highlighted cases of violence against women on a wider scale.

Classical and Modern Music

To understand the connection between music performance and the epoch, it is possible to consider a concert in the late eighteenth century and a concert of hip-hop music in the early twenty-first century.

Burger King’s Varying Business Operations

Burger King Company has been able to achieve enhanced competitiveness of its products and services in the global arena through the efficient synchronization of variety of innovative techniques as well as the incorporation of numerous [...]

The Rise in Cross-Border Trade

The difference between this article and the article by Barbieri11 and Blanchard, Mansfield and Ripsman12 is that the article is more conceptual in nature, where the author tries to bridge the variation on the theses [...]