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Oncology: Colorectal Cancer

The APC gene produces the APC protein which is the main "brake" to the beta-catenin therefore in the case of colorectal cancer the APC gene is mutated hence also the APC protein is mutated thus [...]

The Rome II Regulation Analysis

This regulation is based on conflict rules and includes the laws and rules of the parties involved into the conflict, laws of countries where the conflict appears, and laws of other parties that are more [...]

Concepts of the Life of a Lion

As research studies show, the lion takes the second position in the feline family in terms of weight and size, although it is the strongest animal in the family; hence, its nickname the "king of [...]

The Stolzenberg Litigation Analysis

With the help of the case offered, it becomes possible to explain numerous legal problems like conflict of laws and its connection to the English judgment, the impact of Common Law rules and the existed [...]

Treatment Options for Clinical Pain

This is because of the intense pain experienced by the victim during surgical procedures and the recovery period. Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve-associated disease that leads to amputation of the parts of the knees like [...]

How Media Promotes School Violence?

Exposure to media violence encourages violent and aggressive behaviors in children, introduces new concepts of violence that children have been unaware of, and augments negative experiences of violence and abuse.

The Death Penalty: Can It Ever Be Justified?

What it means is that, contrary to the assumption that by executing this kind of criminals, the state simply strives to appease the victims' relatives, the actual aim of the application of the death penalty, [...]

Contemporary Western Penology Issues

The best proof as to the full validity of this suggestion is the fact that, throughout the course of Western civilization's history, the concept of corporal punishment never ceased continuing to transform, in order to [...]

Researching Conflict of Laws

So what is conflict of laws? "Conflict of laws is a set of rules of procedural law which determine which legal system and the law of which jurisdiction apply to a given legal dispute". And [...]

Understanding Pressure Sores

Kirman in discussing the pathophysiology of pressure sores describes the development of the sores by outlining that initially "pressure is exerted on the skin, soft tissue, muscle, and bone, by the weight of an individual [...]

Income Tax Deductions Issues

According to Fishman, income tax is the tax levied on the incomes of businesses both corporations and other legal entities and on the income of individual citizens of a country.

Troubles in the M-Commerce Structures

The fact is that, before the options of the m-commerce, and the solutions of the difficulties closely linked with it became available, collecting funds for purchases and orders performed "on the road" required people to [...]

Business Ethics: Tax Scamming

Of course, in viewing the problem ethically, small business whose incomes suffer from abusive taxations, as their main goal is to justify the inputs made by investors, to produce the outputs for the customers and [...]

Tenerife Plane Crash

The whole chain of events contributed into this disaster; they ranged from bad weather, human errors, fatigue, and impatience to the lack of communication between the captain and the crewmembers in the case with KLM [...]