Free Argumentative Essay Examples

311 samples

Students start writing 5-paragraph argumentative essays in middle school. It is the teachers’ most fancied assignment in all humanities and even some scientific disciplines.

What is the purpose of an argumentative essay? You are expected to provide an unbiased and well-grounded explanation of why your opinion is correct. The last main body paragraph should also tackle the opposing point of view and show how it is wrong. The task sounds simple, but few students manage it from the first try.

This section features free argumentative essay examples for college and other study levels. It is always better to draw inspiration from a good sample.

311 Best Argumentative Essay Examples

Critical Thinking Paper: Executive Compensation

Although most advocates of the high levels of executive compensation, especially for CEOs, argue that the suitability of compensation is determined through the market process of wage negotiation rather than a simple process of introspection, [...]

Controversial Question About Abortion

With respect to the arguments proposed by the pro-life group, it seems that the act of abortion is absolutely unacceptable, irrespective of whether or not the life of the mother is in danger.

Efficiency and Effectiveness Pursuit of Management

Relevance of efficiency and effectiveness to enhance the performance of organisations The assumption of maximising profits through focusing on mechanisms that enhance efficiency and effectiveness of organisations as the main goal of an organisation rather [...]

Total War of World War I

The paper will demonstrate that the First World War was a total war since it bore most the hallmark characteristics of the total war including unlimited warfare, prioritization of armament efforts, involvement of the civilian [...]

Teaching in Middle Schools

Teachers in middle schools can decide either to adopt single-subject curriculum, in which they emphasize one curriculum or an integrated curriculum, in which they focus on connections and relationships among curricular areas.

Sustainable Tourism and Market Economy

According to Billington, Carter and Husain Whole Place Development refers to the dynamic process of creating public as well as private spaces by utilizing the input of the stakeholders who are the community to develop [...]

History of British Empire

Well, as exposited in this paper, the Second World War, anti-colonial movements, the United States, the United Nations declaration, the Cold War and the USSR were the main forces behind the decolonization while the end [...]

Leadership and Organization Development at RCDP

The establishment of 'College Council', as the institution's main governing body, the members of which will be in the position to partake in the making of executive decisions, concerned with the College's functioning.

Class Size Matters

The increased accessibility of the teachers makes it easy for the learners to address the specific problems with the teachers that would improve the learning process.

A Workplace Wellness Program

The methodology and rationale for developing workplace wellness programs and the aspects included in workplace wellness initiatives are also part and parcel of the scope of this paper.

Personal Development Plan

In other words, this exercise provides this writer with an opportunity to take stock of own position; set goals; and use the unique skills and competencies in the academic as well as the professional setup [...]

Why Educators Should Do Research

To adapt to the requirements of the constantly developing school environment, it is necessary to be a reflective practitioner who is able to rethink and analyze the achievements and weaknesses in conducting the definite teaching [...]

Sustainability of Change Management

The human resource functions need to be aligned to the strategic plans of the organization. The management needs to create a constructive corporate culture that restores long-term feasibility of the organization as an essential part [...]

Milkshakes: Understanding the Job

Energizer Holdings, the company that manufactures the Energizer batteries, realized from a very early time that the buyers of dry cells usually go for the brand that will last the longest.

The Future of Able Corporation

The objectives of the organization can divert back to the people; meaning the working together is reciprocal or vice versa the people work for the objectives and the objectives are meant for the people.

Utilitarianism and Human Resource Management

In order to fully comprehend the effects of the United States president on the Bill of Rights denial, it is imperative to understand the provisions of the utilitarianism and the significance of Bill of Rights [...]

Channelling and Pricing Strategy

To help in entering the market and increasing sales, there will be a number of marketing campaigns in the country. To determine the price of good in United States, the company will adopt a minimum [...]

Balanced Score Card – UNUM Corporation

How UNUM use the Balanced Scorecard to Communicate Its Corporate Goals to Employees throughout the Organization The process of implementing a balanced score card requires that the organization communicates to employees constantly in a way [...]

Managerial Implications of Employee Engagement

A lot of research has been done with regards to employee engagement, ranging from issues regarding advantages of raising the level of employee engagement as well as the means of improving employee engagement.

Obedience and Authority

According to Wenker, the military force is not justified to use authority in a manner which contravenes the rights of citizens. Therefore, obedience to authority is a condition which is necessary so that the moral [...]

Americas Rise to Become a Super Power

This paper will argue that the U.S.moved so quickly from being the least militarized industrial nation in the world to the most powerful military force in human history due to its successful industrialization, economic interests [...]

Concept of Emotional Intelligence: Arguments

Emotional intelligence is the "subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and [...]

‘Animal Rights’ Activists and Racism

Nevertheless, while being thoroughly comfortable with the idea that it is fully appropriate to exploit the 'eatable' representatives of the animal kingdom, the 'animal rights' activists deny the same right to those, who due to [...]