1700-Word Essay Examples. Page 10

1,881 samples

Ethics and Morality in Society and Business

The main idea of a business ethic is that it closely correlates with the laws of society, and even though people's kindness and respect are expected, in order for the companies and organizations to flourish, [...]

PenAgain Marketing Analysis

The company employs an outside group, Merchant Service Organization to monitor the display of its products at Wal-Mart stores so as to ensure that the company's products are up on the shelves and that they [...]

Charismatic Leadership

The transformational leaders focus on changing the organizations or the leaders, while the charismatic leader has a focus on commitment and devotion both to the persona values as well as those of the group members [...]

The IT Strategic Plan

The leadership that should be adopted at the organizational level is one that facilitates the adoption of the IT strategy. The kind of leadership that should be adopted in this area is one of collaboration.

Syria and the Revolution

The government used extreme force on the protestors and the demonstrations spread rapidly to various other parts of the country. The ethnic divisions in Syria further complicate the conflict since the county's elite and Assad's [...]

Titan Company Limited Analysis

The company had recognized the significance of marketing strategies in the overall success of the organization. Report Purpose The main focus of the report would be on the recommended target market, the marketing mix components, [...]

Child Punishment and Alternative Theories

Reasons supporting physical punishment During parenting, it is important for parents to find time with their children and engage them in socio-cultural talks, which enable them to learn what the society expects of them and [...]

Photography as a Mass Medium

To demonstrate this fact, the study explores the works of Sontag in her article titled, On Photography, and shows how digital photography changes her analysis about the "photographic way of seeing" life.

Glass Marketing in Turkey

This writer worked in the marketing department of the Nilufer Company in Turkey. What are the main external factors affecting the marketing of glass in Turkey?

Ethics of Abortion: Controversial Issues

Although viable reasons for the justification of the practice varied for different communities, one of the main concepts that were agreeable at the time was the abortions before the 'quickening' period, which is the time [...]

Korean Films’ and Cinemas Transformations

Therefore, the paper explains the similarities and differences of the New Wave and postmodern Korean cinemas and emphasizes the grotesque body and bodily experience as a source of truth and knowledge in the films.

Nintendo 3D Principles of Action

This paper starts with the discussion of the principles of just noticeable difference and just meaningful difference, shows Nintendo 3D as an example of those principles in action, demonstrates how big trends have been used [...]

Moral Issue of Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is also a form of premeditated death as the action is planned for, does it mean that the state has the right to premeditate deaths for some of its citizens because they are [...]

Leadership Implicit Followership Theories

Keywords: Teamwork, individuals, individualism, leaders, employees' outcomes, job satisfaction, characteristics, and perceptions In essence, the pre-existing perceptions of the leaders towards the characteristics of their followers are critical issues to the performance of the organization.

Studying Abroad as a Chance to Employed

Marketing and management skills should be the best choice of graduates seeking to study abroad. Study abroad graduates should also ensure they keep abreast with the domestic market situation and development to enhance their chances [...]

Impressionism History

Impressionism, an art movement, was born in France in the 19th century specifically in the period between 1860 and 1880 with its major goal being to popularize the impressionist art style, which was a deviation [...]

Negotiation of a Divorce Settlement

The objective of the meeting is to settle the matter of Rex's divorce outside the court. All the parties involved in the negotiation process should be involved in the preparation of the negotiations in order [...]

A Streetcar Named Desire

A mentally stronger person, Stella is capable of surviving in the world that she and her husband live in and, more to the point, sacrificing the truth to preserve that world, even at the cost [...]

Human resource planning (HRP)

HR managers when doing HRP should be aware of the fact that the number of women in the workforce is on a rise and should therefore put in place mechanisms that attract and retain them.