300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 14

4,948 samples

LTE-A Compared to Other 4G Standards

This paper examines the capabilities of LTE-A, the latest iteration of LTE, within the context of other 4G standards. LTE-A represents one of the pinnacles of this technology's accomplishments and a historically important step towards [...]

Budgeting Problem Report

The process diverts the organization's objectives because the extra spending is not to add value but to avoid a reduction in the amount of the next budget.

Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice

Garthwait suggests that the cases of resistant and unmotivated clients require effective communication and professional skills, allowing the social worker to understand the causes of clients' reluctance and select appropriate strategies.

Rape Victims Rights Legislation

The Parental Rights and sexual assault Law state that if a childbirth is a result of a rape case, the rape victim is automatically granted custody of the child and the rapist denied custody.

Criminal Justice Inequality in Conflict Theory

Other examples of inequality in terms of criminal justice are international corporations' frauds and embezzlements on a grand scale by politicians that remain even unnoticeable while ordinary people are sentenced to imprisonment for less serious [...]

Methodology: Data Analysis Plans

Thus, the essay will comment on the plan for data analysis of demographic variables using descriptive statistical tests and the approach to analyze study variables using descriptive and inferential tests.

Starting an Innovative Salon Business

Finally, with an experience in the fashion and design industry, I am capable of identifying creative strategies in managing the dynamic business environment. Trade ventures also provide an opportunity for career advancement as a manager [...]

Tonga Cyclone Gita

While it caused more devastation in Tonga than in Fiji, the investigation of Tonga response to the disaster can be of use for Fiji and other countries that experience the problem of cyclones. Acknowledging the [...]

Issues With Juvenile Interrogation

Indeed, children are susceptible to police pressure as recognized by the court in the case of Haley v. As Wigler recommended, the police should embrace contract principles that shift from seeking a confession to seeking [...]

Aspects of Different Englishes

I do not think these three versions of English differ significantly from one another, but the idea should be to cherish the unique identificatory traits one may utilize to highlight the usage of a specific [...]

New Product: Xiaomi MI 11 Ultra

The given product is projected to be a higher-end supplement to the existing product line that has already gained vast popularity and comprises smartphones, including Mi 11i, Mi 11 Lite, and Mi 11 Lite 5G. [...]

Aspects of Online Voting

The homebound and elderly can easily vote online compared to voting places. In summary, online voting is convenient and should be used to vote for political leaders such as the President because its advantages outweigh [...]

Crime Commitment and Punishment

Regardless of the variations between the views on the characteristic features of a crime and proper ways for punishment, one idea remains commonly relevant; namely, crimes are the results of delinquent behavior.

Common Leadership Styles in Nursing

Although this type of leadership does not promote communication between a leader and followers, transparency, collaboration, and a comfortable working atmosphere, it is efficient when quick and competent decision-making is necessary.

History of Ancient Greek

It was the accuracy and correctness of the prediction that daunted astronomers for years to come. This event hailed a new set of astronomers who tried to figure out the means to predict such future [...]