3000-Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

1,156 samples

Ecology of Commerce: Green Taxes

The Ecology of Commerce is a critical analysis of the way we conduct our business and our society today. This will provide incentives for businesses to produce things in an environmentally sound way, and it [...]

The Approaches to Reading Music

The purpose of this paper is to present the analysis of music pieces as a kind of narrative discourse and focus on a variety of views regarding the relationship between music and a narrative with [...]

Manzanar Concentration Camp

They say experience is the best teacher and so it was for Sue as she narrates the impact of life in the camps. The first landing zone of the Japanese to America was in California.

Contemporary Western Penology Issues

The best proof as to the full validity of this suggestion is the fact that, throughout the course of Western civilization's history, the concept of corporal punishment never ceased continuing to transform, in order to [...]

The Pap Smear Screening Procedure

Transmission of the virus usually through sexual activities creates a high likelihood of development of a dysplasia on the surface of the cervix as the HPV viruses induce the formation of abnormal cells on the [...]

First New York Subway Construction

Abstract Introduction Place, period, and size of the first New York subway Civilization and culture were prevalent during the construction How the first New York subway was constructed How Beach's subway could be built [...]

Performance Management Scheme

When recruiting, human resources look for a certain attribute, qualification and talent with employees; the attribute will be used to fill a certain vacuum within the organization, after deploying the employee to the needed position, [...]

Group Counseling and Ethics

Section 10 of the Code of Conduct stipulates that when psychologists or group counselors provide therapeutic services to members in a group counseling session, they have to explain the roles and responsibilities of all the [...]

Ineffective Leadership in a Workplace

Therefore, in the critical situation of the project failure, the leader of the unit and team is responsible for completing such short-term objectives as the reorganization of the team and the implementation of the new [...]

Architecture: Tate Modern

Beginning from the time the Tate Gallery of Modern Art was realised in London on the turn of the millennium, this has attracted the attention of a large number of people around the world and [...]

Robbery and Its Theoretical Explanation

Theories that explain the occurrence of crime in society have been developed to shed light on the increasing cases of criminal behavior. According to Agnew, crime is the outcome of the difficulties that an individual [...]

Godfather: Central Themes of the Film

Making a striking contrast to the cool-blooded murder which is happening outside the church, the scene of baptism also serves as the means to highlight the key idea of the book, driving the conflict between [...]

Fair Work: Scenarios With Legal Advice

In the above scenario, it would be prudent for Howard as the representative of the employees to file a notice with the Fair Work Authority concerning the possibility of an enterprise agreement.

Narrative Inquiry in Health Research

The narrative inquiry focused on experience and Clandinin and Connelly observe that "Humans are storytelling organisms who, individually and collectively, lead storied lives, and the study of narrative is the study of the ways humans [...]

Approach of Narrative Library

It will in addition be vital in identifying what is the library expectation for the client segments under study, for in the absence of this there cannot be definite gap in library provision to address.

The Ramadan War of 1973 and Its Outcomes

The background of the dispute between the Arabs and the Israelis lied in the opposing foundations of Arab nationalism and modern Zionism, with much of the conflict centering around the completing claims to the cultural [...]

Expansion in Foreign Markets Tesco

This thorough understanding will be developed by making use of analysis instruments such as the SWOT analysis to judge the company's internal and external standing as well as the use of Porter's five forces to [...]