550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 18

18,509 samples

Ethical Concepts in Business

In business field, ethics entails adopting values that are beneficial to the business as well as the society. The ethics of virtue is one of the concepts that relate to hiring of people with disabilities.

Men and Women as Consumers

Both men and women are great consumers of electronics; however, there exist a differing trend in their style of shopping. This essay has managed to compare and contrast the role of men and women as [...]

Obesity and Healthy Eating

The effectiveness of healthy eating as a means to prevent obesity is therefore questioned due to lack of visible results. This is a view that is shared by the CDC who place obesity as second [...]

Types of Tress in Alaska

The plant further branches in a pattern that extends to the ground held by a bark that is smooth dark and scary. As a conifer, the tree is evergreen and typically grows to about 15 [...]

Equal Employment in the Workplace

Measures have been put in place to ensure maximum utilization of the available skills, energy, and creativity that strengthens employee involvement and increase the productivity of employees.

China and Global Warming

Bearing in mind that global warming is such a threat to livelihood, it is imperative for China to start looking into ways of reducing its industrial activities for the sake of others living on planet [...]

The Case of Palmetto Pharmaceuticals

By comparing the performance input created by managers and other employees with that of the clients, the company will be able to show the sales representatives the impact of their actions vis-a-vis the actual performance [...]

Reception of Al Pacino

The proliferation of the mass media as well as modernisation in the early 1900s meant that the relevance of religion had diminished. Al Pacino attracted a lot of attention because his type of charm and [...]

Analysis of General Electric

Immelt made some changes to the company's strategy by diversifying its operations to help it take advantage of new opportunities in the global market. Immelt's leadership has enabled GE to diversify its operations to take [...]

Mediation in IT Outsourcing

According to Hale in most cases parties are in agreement as regards the ultimate formation of the outsourcing relationship but the cost and terms/ conditions of engagements usually bring in contention.

Bloated Management Structure

Although most corporations are aware of the need to trim their workforces, political expediencies and inflexible executives lead to much procrastination as top management strive to guard their positions to the detriment of the firm.

The modern law of damages

The three main areas of economic loss are earning loss in the past and future, probable pecuniary losses, household loses. It measured by the plaintiff's diminished power and capacity in the future and past that [...]

Case Analysis of Unilever

The major problem discussed by the case is the increased competition in the marketing and how it has hindered efforts to keep Unilever' brand relevant in the market.

Laws and ethics

Since the law must be obeyed, it becomes enforceable and that is why institutions such as the police and the judiciary have a duty of enforcing the law.

Characterization of E-Commerce Traffic

Load balancing is a common method that is being used to improve the performance of e-commerce servers. Understanding the workload of these servers is significant in efforts to eliminate traffic in e-commerce.

Looking for a Job

The easiest way to convert internship into a permanent job is by working diligently on the tasks allocated regardless of the amount of pay during internship. It is easy to seek for a job of [...]

Recruitment and Selection Process

The main concept revolving around this stage is approving the information provided by the applicant and establishing from various sources whether they meet the requirements of the organization before extending the offer to work with [...]

Miele: Organisational Resources Base

Besides, competitive advantage and its value for Miele's success should be enlarged on as it brings the company along compared to its competitors' position in the global market taking into account Miele's success within domestic [...]

Milkshakes: Understanding the Job

Energizer Holdings, the company that manufactures the Energizer batteries, realized from a very early time that the buyers of dry cells usually go for the brand that will last the longest.

Qualitative research design and methods

Unlike quantitative research where an investigator manipulates variables or recreates the natural setting in the lab, qualitative research aims at assessing behaviours in it's undisturbed from. It raises a series of sub questions that are [...]


Regardless of the occupant of a position, rules and procedures in a formalized structure very clearly stipulate what has to be done by the holder of the office.

“Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson

In perspective, the author inspects the areas of the environment that have been affected adversely which include the earth's water sources and atmosphere among others. Several impacts of degradation have been identified in the societies [...]

Organizational Behavior – HR Practices

In the article "The value of human resource management for organizational performance", the authors dwell on performance of an organization as greatly influenced by the organization of its human resources department.

Frito Lay Sun Chips Case Analysis

Even though it is confined to quite a limited area, it is seen as representative of the USA. It is also important to develop a strategic plan in case the rate of product cannibalism is [...]

Yorktown Technologies

The firm requires a powerful marketing strategy in order to get the best outcomes. The company should also use online marketing in order to attract more customers.