2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 16

40,326 samples

Creative Works of Louis Sullivan

In the article Louis Sullivan: Growth of the Idea, Boudreaux puts forward the assumption that ornament was the chief characteristic of the building defining its function and practical usage.

Shay’s rebellion

In contrast to historical portrayals of the rebels, there was a low correlation between counties with high number of debtors and concentrations of supporters for the rebellion.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles

When she losses, the only source of income to the family, Tess takes up a job at the D'Urbevilles family estate so that she can take care of her family.

Successful Careers in Culinary Arts

Some of the major factors which influence the choice are salary, schedule and self-realization and the image of the career. On balance, the career of a hot line cook is an exciting opportunity to self-realize [...]

Oedipus the King

The king is in conflict with himself. The king's behavior is in conflict with the character of Oedipus king.

The Concept of Time

The symbolism of the picture is obvious, it shows that time endless and limited at the same time. The concept of time is one of the central concepts in art.

Geology Issue – Nature of Earthquakes

Such an earthquake is caused by a combination of tectonic plate movement and movement of magma in the earth's crust. Continental drift is the motion of the Earth's tectonic plates relative to each other.

Inflation Rates in Sweden

The recession of the early 1990s was largely responsible for the drop in inflation rates. As per the theoretical model of money supply and inflation, increases in money supply will lead to inflationary pressures.

Regression analysis

The function of regression analysis is thus to establish a relationship between the variables using information available about the explanatory variable, and predict values of the dependent variable for decision making. In this case, the [...]

The Libyan Conflict Explained

The pro-government forces on the other hand are opposed to the perceived involvement of the international community and the Western countries to impose regime change in their country.

19th Century Norms of Marriage

Through satirizing the marriage institution as one shaped by the governing norms, the women writers are advocating for a system that is more flexible for women to pursue their happiness beyond the confinements of marriage.

Personal position on Inclusionary practices

Further, putting students with disabilities and other limiting factors in a regular classroom provides an opportunity for the less fortunate children to experience their full potential in an inclusive community and hence have a sense [...]

Theme of the Poem Harlem

S, seems to suggest that the writer intended to invoke a particular image of a particular group of people whose dreams are often deferred."The dream" is a something that the writer of the poem had [...]

As It Is in Heaven (2004)

However, in rural areas people try to have positive image and take into account the public opinion, the opinion of people living in the neighborhood.

Elephants in Entertainment

This paper thus seeks to critically bring forth how they are captured from the wild and the impact of cruel treatment they receive and the deplorable condition in which they inhabit. From the review of [...]

Financing of Education

The outcome of this will be a higher education's loans board that is able to sustain itself and be in a position to support student from poor families who have the capacity to perform well [...]

The Cedarville County jail

As the newly appointed CEO to the Cedarville County jail, my main objective is to make use of the existing security technology to deal with the insecurity issues and transform the administration of the facility [...]

The Downfall of Macbeth

Nonetheless, he goes on to murder the king and his character takes a turn for the worst as he kills the chamberlains who would give witness of the king's death and he claims he killed [...]

Networking in Business Sector

Business networking can be defined as the process by which business owners and/or managers leverage both their personal and business connections for the purpose of bringing their enterprises a regular supply of business.

Is a virus alive?

What happens is that the organisms that are mono-celled grow mostly because; when they are formed during the cell division they are usually small and they are supposed to grow and develop to full-grown cells.

Bullying in the Schools

Furthermore, the law states that training should be done to the teachers as well as the other members of staff on how to deal with bullying and the law also needs the schools to report [...]

Factors Affecting British Imports and Exports

From Germany and the United states, it imports high quality domestic and industrial products that it requires to run maintain the living standards of its people. The living standards influence the products Britain must import [...]

To Kill a Mockingbird: Movie Analysis

Speaking of the movements which convey the essence of the film without any speech "intrusion", it would be a good idea to drive the example of Boo Radley standing in the darker corner of the [...]

Insurance and Negligence

When signing an insurance policy, there are some conditions that are special to a particular case, in the case that they offer some duty of care to the policyholder, then in case of an incidence [...]

Aging as a Social Problem

The social challenges of the old people are further worsened by the economic constrains, and labeling. Ageism is another social challenge and it refers to a situation where people look down upon the elderly people [...]