5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 69

12,606 samples

“Bamboozled” by Spike Lee

The ideology of the world created by Spike Lee to some extent represents the existence of racial stereotypes in modern America, specifically in media, as a slogan that nothing has changed.

Twin Peaks and Misogyny

Diane Stevenson in "Family Romance, Family Violence, and the Fantastic" supports the position of the previous author by assuming that children and women are frequently abused and the problem was so significant that the first [...]

Rise of the United States Confederacy

The formation of the confederacy was as a result of seven states declaration of their independence after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as the president of the United States, while the other four states joined [...]

Depiction Women in Paintings

This is seen in Sandro Botticelli's painting, "The Birth of Venus" as he completely broke with the habits of tradition and permitted Venus her freedom.

Nina Simone: An American Singer-Songwriter

The central argument of the present paper is that Simone's music is based greatly on her own experience, in particular on the involvement in the civil rights movement, combined with her African American identity, so [...]

Global Logistics Issues Analysis

This involves the planning of how to acquire, store and transport inventory and goods to ensure that they are delivered to the right place at the right time and in the right condition.

Ataturk: The Great Father of Turks

One side of the Turkish nation supported the movements of Ataturk and this action was under the name of "Kemalism", while the other side of the Turkish nation supported the traditional religious rules to be [...]

Kenya’s Macroeconomic Activities

With the expansion of tourism, transport, and recovery in Agriculture which is in the due process, the gross domestic product per capita is expected to increase with high percentage. On top of that, Kenya's economy [...]

Identity Theft as a Problem of Future

The next will extrapolate on several measures that should be undertaken at both individuals and institutional level to ensure that personal information is always safe and out of reach from criminals.

Theory of Operant Conditioning

The distinction between negative reinforcement and punishment is that in the former "the aversive consequence is used to increase the future occurrence of a wanted behavior" whereas in the latter the "aversive consequence is used [...]

Poverty and Inequality in Modern World

According to Sachs, the main causes of poverty are different economic development of the nations, legal and social problems, and the inability of small governments to fight diseases and improve medical services.

Nokia Corporation Market Research

For the marketing of Nokia 1100 in the Indian market, Nokia adopted the logo 'Made for India'. For the marketing of the Nokia N81 Music Phone, the viral website-based advertising campaign is adopted by Nokia.

The Fall of Roman Republic

The Roman Republic lasted over four and a half centuries until it collapsed due to numerous civil wars and from the Roman Republic the government turned from Republican to a government that had a Principate [...]

Culture Shock: Civil War in Bosnia

This can b described as the state of emotional, physical and psychological discomfort one undergoes when interacts with new culture as opposed to the old culture which comes about as a result in the change [...]

Ophelia from Shakespeare’s ”Hamlet”

Shakespeare employs the traditional view of the woman as a means of illustrating its more dangerous elements through his portrayal of Ophelia in her innocence, the ease with which others use her, and the suspicion [...]