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New Technology & Criminal Justice

From an information perspective, it is clear that new technologies, such as the use of iris recognition solutions, can assist in the effective and efficient management of correctional systems since these facilities are predominantly information-centric [...]

Invertebrate Exhibit: Cockroaches

The roach has a rich, reddish, brown color, and the body is covered with a brittle exoskeleton made of chitin. The head and thorax are connected by a flexible tube made of an articular membrane.

Analysis of Sampling Methods

Regarding the convenience sampling method used in the study by Maloney & Weiss, it can be stated that due to the study design, the elements did not have equal chances for being selected and the [...]

Digital Natives Debate Analysis

Consequently, they conclude that teaching style is not bound to the technologies and their usage, and it is not universal for the whole generation; instead, the learning style is unique to every person, and that [...]

Courtroom Participation Analysis

The major responsibilities of a judge include; maintaining the court's order while a case is in process, determining whether the evidence given by either side is inadmissible, instructing the jury before the beginning of deliberations [...]

No to Cloning for Medical Research

Those who do not subscribe to cloning for biomedical research believe that the embryo is in fact "one of us"; a human life in process an equal member of the species "Homo Sapiens" in the [...]

Saving Someone’s Life Discussion

Later on, the term hero and heroine were coined to refer to male and female characters that have shown or show the will of self-sacrifice and display courage in the face of adversity, danger or [...]

Causes of Committing Crimes

However, this is to ensure that the number of crimes committed decrease, as the number of crime manager's increases. Boredom in many young people is by the lack of something constructive to do.

Modern Art: A Cultural-Aesthetic Movement

The problem of defining of the term Modernism created much difficulty for artists, philosophers and writers of the 20th century. In the course of time, the aspect of realism came into consideration to change a [...]