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Two Ways to Belong in America

The propose policy, even though it was defeated, just revealed the truth that the other way of belonging to America does not make her an immigrant, where she is just "expatriate Indian".

Enron Corporation and Bankruptcy

Moreover, it definitely reflects on the activity of financial players in Stock Exchanges, and first last and all the time due to the number of shareholders and the influence of a company on the financial [...]

Prison Isolation: Its Effects and Damage

This unwillingness of prisoners in isolated confinement is in considerable measure a rejoinder to the insight that such imprisonment is an evident effort by the system to "break them down" mentally, and in some cases, [...]

How Migration Affects Identity

Thus, immigration makes it a site for reconstructing the meanings of the human condition in which it seems useless to teach the younger generation about their nationalities, what they are lured to is a new [...]

Contemporary Issues Facing the Youth

The paper addresses the issues affecting the youth of today with specific reference to unemployment and health. Solutions: Provision of financial relief to unemployed in the form of Unemployment Insurance System/ Entrepreneurial programs in [...]

Two Reasons Why We Value Privacy

Privacy, therefore, can be seen as a tool that is core to human dignity since the more a person's privacy is invaded the more the individual loses the two central components of dignity and individuality [...]

Psychological Foundations of Behavior

In contrast the structuralism and functionalism, behaviorism is defined as the science of behavior and not the mind. The basis of behavior is the surroundings and not internal stimuli as in structuralism or functionalism.

Hospitality Industry Impact on Society

Mainly incorporating in a blend of services cafes, restaurants, accommodation, clubs, hotels, bars, etc, this is a high-opportunity job market for the highly mobile and youthful workforce as a chef, cook, kitchen-hand, restaurant, and catering [...]