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Business Research and Writing

Through the advancements in information technology, businesses can increase customers' awareness of products, persuade customers to purchase the products, and increase sales; hence creating phenomena that translate to an increased market share and revenues in [...]

Wolof Language in Africa

According to, the number of Wolof speakers are rising given the fact that majority of the communities within Senegal, Gambia and part of Mauritania are using the language in their socio-economic and political undertakings.

Aspects of Human Evolution and Progress

The concepts of human evolution and progress have evolved throughout history leading to different perspectives on the scientific, agricultural, and language themes resulting in universal similarities that have shaped the nature of the world today.

Future in Marketing using the Mobile Phone

The use of the mobile phone in the advertising industry has also benefitted from advanced technology that is utilized in the mobile phone industry The ever changing technology in the mobile phone industry has helped [...]

Reflection on Human Trafficking Studies

When researching and critically evaluating the global issue of human trafficking, I managed to enrich my experience as a researcher, a professional, and an individual due to the facts and insights gained through this activity.

Managing Diversity in Work Places

With the meaning and the range at which diversity means clear, the next crucial step is managing of the human resources, the human resource department has the role of establishing the differences of beliefs, races, [...]

The Oiled Paper Umbrella

Since the oiled paper umbrella has dominated the world, this project seeks to establish the unique features that are inherent in the umbrella design that make it appeal to so many people across the world.

Review of Communication Theories

Communication is the process through which information is conveyed, and involves the sending and receiving of the message. Moving press information was aided by the improved transport system, the development of the telegram, and the [...]

Childhood Obesity: Causes/Solutions

Therefore, failure of the government to take precautionary measures such as controlling the foods served to children, introduction of BMI checking to schoolchildren, and planning of anti-obesity campaigns amongst others will automatically threaten the health [...]

Poverty in Saudi Arabia

It is expected that through the various facts and arguments presented in this paper.the reason behind the high poverty rate within Saudi Arabia despite its oil wealth as compared to its neighbors will become clear [...]

Burning Copies of the Koran

Another equally instrumental factor that contributed to the decision of the church to burn copies of the Koran was the plan by the Islamic Center in New York to build within the vicinity of ground [...]

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

In the aspect of genetic factors, many cases of MS are attributed to the genetic makeup of an individual. The autoimmune disorders eventually cause demyelination of the nerves in the body leading to the development [...]

The Crowd Went Wild

They told Pilate that Caesar was the only King in the land and that Jesus was to be crucified for trying to say that he was the King of the Jews and the Son of [...]

Sexualization of Children

What such studies are attempting to suggest is that the early sexualization that children are exposed to as a result of modern day pop culture and the media actually leads them to experience the full [...]

Fire sprinkler system

Objectives Ascertain the history of fire sprinkler system Portray the role of fire sprinkler system Establish the recommendations for improvement of fire sprinkler system Significance of Study This study is significant in identifying the growth [...]

Polygraph Testing

The fundamental idea of using the polygraph is to detect lies. Additionally, the survey also shows that it is a quicker means of selection.

Smoking and Adolescents

To reduce incidences of smoking, some countries have raised the age permissible for smoking from 16 years to 18 years in the hope that the raised age will reduce the number of adolescents accessing tobacco [...]