1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 10

3,531 samples

Sigmund Freud: On Dreams

However, the book under consideration occupies a very special place as it is on the border between the world of scientists and the rest of the world. Thus, one of the central ideas of the [...]

Van Gogh’s Use of Color

The use of complementary colors, which became the signature of Van Gogh's style, helped to intensify the mutual effect of the color scheme in the paintings.

Prions as Novel Infectious Agent

The most common TSE diseases include the Mad Cow Disease in cattle, Scrapie in sheep, and Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, elk, and moose."Different regions of the brain are affected by different prions".

Causes of Discrimination in Society

The main causes of discrimination are racial prejudices, gender, national and religious stereotypes, social categorization, and sexual orientation. Racial profiling is one of the vivid examples of racial discrimination and racial prejudices.

Consumer Attitude Investigation Plans

For pursuing such a research in depth about e- marketing, a detailed analysis in the areas covered by following factors is required to arrive at certain logical conclusions: Consumer Behaviors Websites' impacts Cross border purchasing [...]

Cross Border Investment Using FDI

An investment is treated as FDI, as contrasted to the other popular concept of portfolio investment if the investment is sized sufficiently to lend the parent organization some degrees of control over the management of [...]

Gallery of Joy: Chagall, Kandinsky, and Miro

They handled color quite differently, and their methods of creating shapes and shadows are unique to each artist to the point that each artist's work is easily identified from its unique treatment of the shape [...]

Personal Development in Hospitality Management

Most employers in the hospitality sector feel that several skills in the sector should have been taught in the academic institutions at undergraduate levels and that there is an immediate need for hospitality education to [...]

Successful Project Manager

Some sections of the report will highlight the importance of the project management practices to be used consequences of failing to apply best practices will equally get address.

Poverty and Inequality in Modern World

According to Sachs, the main causes of poverty are different economic development of the nations, legal and social problems, and the inability of small governments to fight diseases and improve medical services.

The Fall of Roman Republic

The Roman Republic lasted over four and a half centuries until it collapsed due to numerous civil wars and from the Roman Republic the government turned from Republican to a government that had a Principate [...]

Sources of Market Failure

Often the intervention by governments in free-market economies in influencing the trend of market forces is the result of such outcomes in the economy, and economists use different theories in the analysis of the cause [...]

Abortions and Birth Control

As a result the overall mortality of women increases in the countries where legal abortions take place. The general point of view in decreasing the number of abortions is the use of contraceptives as a [...]

The Language of Graphics and Visual Art

Bush in the clothes of Roman emperor, standing on the tribune and playing harp so that the music he is making comes into the microphone. The style of the artwork is cartoon or caricature, due [...]