1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 3

3,531 samples

Is Ethics Objective?

In essence, it becomes impractical for the inner functioning of the objective intellect to be derived from anything that surpasses the material humanity.

Is Global Warming Good or Bad?

In my opinion, global warming causes adverse effects that outweighs the positives and therefore, efforts should be invested to manage it through mitigation in order to lessen greenhouse gases emissions, adapting to its effects and [...]

Iron Man 3 Movie

The film commences in the wake of the events of The Avengers in which Tony participated to save the New York City from the attack of aliens.

Gender, Race and Class

These ambivalent attitudes towards females are used by males to remain at the top of the hierarchy of power and leadership and place females at the bottom. The concepts are entrenched in our society and [...]

The Aesthetic Movement in the 19th Century

One of the brightest events of that period was the creation of the Aesthetic Movement. The Aesthetic Movement started as a reaction against the Victorian style, which was characterized by the use of jewellery in [...]

The Importance of Arizona Law

In fact, this legislative Act is considered to be one of the strictest anti-illegal immigration issues in the state of Arizona as well as in the history of the United States of America.

Marketing efforts and consumer needs

One of the main objectives of marketing initiatives involves the provision of information of a commodity which in turn helps to increase the number of consumers who are willing to try out that commodity and [...]

Gender Anthropology

This is usually possible as women and men have different sexual organs and the disparity in the sexual organs of men and women explains the differences in both sexes.

Political Consequences of Globalization

Through the process of globalization, the integrity of the national territorial state as a more or less coherent political economy is eroded, and the functions of the state become reorganized to adjust domestic economic and [...]

Inclusion: Benefits

It is also important to note that integration is not inclusion; the former mainly involves the physical presence of the disabled child while the latter involves this child being involved in what other members of [...]

Ethics and corporate governance

Likewise, corporate governance is the process in which corporate boards administer the operation of an organization by its managers, and the way the board members are held answerable to the organization and shareholders.

Commoditization of Culture

But writers are of the opinion that legal measure should not be used to protect intellectual property as this amount to dilution of the sacred value inherent in such culture and prevents the community from [...]

Delay Factors in Different Contract Types

In DBB contracts, the designer is responsible of "developing, designing, and drawing up the project's specifications while the contractor is responsible of supplying the methods, means, and construction input to the project".

Tough Guy: case analysis

Thirdly, the lack of involvement of the human resources department is evident and so is the lack of oversight by upper management on the running of the company, particularly with regard to issues relating to [...]

Keurig Company

This paper will discuss the appropriateness of the distribution and channel strategies employed by Keurig and also consider the validity of the pricing strategies.

Market Based Management

Based on the illustrations in the attached document, it is apparent that the success of the top successful organizations is attributed to their ability to generate and share knowledge.

Class Size Matters

The increased accessibility of the teachers makes it easy for the learners to address the specific problems with the teachers that would improve the learning process.

Royal Automotive Management

From the point of view of customers' management practices in RA, it seems that the customer assumes a dominant role in the relationship and can influence the supply with regard to performance, quality, monitoring, delivering [...]