500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 6

4,108 samples

History of Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday does not have a fixed date and for a long period of time it was celebrated at diverse times on the basis of the end of winter or the Passover feast as celebrated [...]

The Role of Segment Reporting in Business

These changes are related to operating, investing and financing activities, which the firm does within a specific period. This shows that the firm is in a position to pay loans, salaries and other expenses, which [...]

Sourcing Sound and Image

Speaking of Wolniak's Flash Art, one must mention that the images, with all their abruptness, remind of the SOS signal; however, with the soothing buzzing sound in the background, the whole artwork of life and [...]

The Political Landscape of America

Secondly, the fact that the country needed a jolt on the verge of the unwelcome political situation at the moment necessitated calling into action for people to help grow the economy of the country.

Financial Management of Risk

Thus, the paper seeks to elaborate on the risk involved in moving business to Thailand or Louisiana, and review financial reports of Coca-Cola Company to highlight the management of risk involved in moving the business.

Data Collection of Major League Baseball

The fact that the total population of the players in the Major League Baseball is relatively large made the researcher choose the sampling method to determine the salary that a player should earn.

Leon Golub: Historical witness

The paintings mainly expressed realities of power in terms of the relations between social and political spheres. With the help of his paintings, Golub argued that the relationship between identity and masculinity with power and [...]

You Were My Everything

The reader gets to know the artists deepest thoughts about the woman he loves and therefore, the reader feels the intense love like if he/she was the one in love.

Slavery, the Civil War & Reconstruction

Market revolution, which was crucial to the American lives contributed to new components of consciousness, politics and social life, which in turn brought about Civil War. Social change in the American history was brought about [...]

The Raft of the Medusa versus the Gulf Stream

The painting of The Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault, a French painter emotionally portrays the survival and hardships experiences of the passengers in a raft, who survived the sinking of the French ship, [...]

Philosophy of Education

Within this system, the teacher assumes the role of a leader to give direction and guidelines to students in addition to supporting the substance of a school.

Middle classes in America

There is the high middle class and the lower middle class Americans. According to the majorities expectation the middle class people are supposed to live in spotlessly clean houses have at least two cars and [...]

Vision of Changes in McDonalds

So, the application of changes with regard to vision of these changes should be analyzed in order to evaluate effectively the effects expected from this change, the way the change was applied, the attitude of [...]

Successful Careers in Culinary Arts

Some of the major factors which influence the choice are salary, schedule and self-realization and the image of the career. On balance, the career of a hot line cook is an exciting opportunity to self-realize [...]

The Cedarville County jail

As the newly appointed CEO to the Cedarville County jail, my main objective is to make use of the existing security technology to deal with the insecurity issues and transform the administration of the facility [...]