10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count

4,162 samples

What does a ten page essay look like? If you’re a student, you’ve probably asked yourself this question. 10 page essays are usually assigned to check one’s ability to formulate their thoughts. A ten page essay word count is 2450 to 2500 words (12 pt double-spaced). A paper of 10 pages usually consists of 25 to 33 paragraphs.

When choosing a topic for a 10 pages essay, remember that it is quite a short piece. That’s why your topic shouldn’t be too complicated. You might want to focus on football, speeding, COVID-19, or respect.

If you’re searching for 10 page essay examples, look at the list below. We’ve gathered a collection of A+ samples for you to get inspired. Knock them dead!

10-page Essay Examples: 4162 Samples

Policies and Procedures: Managing Harbor Staff

The main objective of the paper focuses on implementation of Harbour policies and procedures with the aim of enforcing employee performance and it is equally an analysis of the developmental problems associated with this style [...]

Green Consumers and Its Characteristics

Citing the Institute for sustainable development, Ryan observes that some of the characteristic common in all green consumers include: their commitment to leading green lifestyles; the critical approach to environmental issues; their tendency to overstate [...]

The Evolution of Electricity

In one of her works Diana Bocce observes, "The kite experiment helped Franklin establish a relationship between lightening and electricity, which led to the invention of the lightning rod" This is considered one of the [...]

Marketing the Human Microchip

Further analysis of the marketing situation reveals that the production cost of the microchip has to be evacuated to determine the most cost effective strategy to employ in manufacturing the chip.

Trading on the Stock Markets

In the United States, the biggest stock market, basing on the market capitalization, is the NYSE "New York Stock Exchange". This stock exchange, being the only major stock exchange in the country, used to operate [...]

Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

The presence of the whites created revolts that were perpetrated on grounds of prejudice Most of the natives therefore stuck to their culture including wearing the veil and speaking the native Arabic.

McDonald’s: Planned Change Project

The company is relatively safe in this area, meaning it is not realistic for a competitor to suddenly challenge a company as established as McDonald's and create a fast-food chain that will ultimately lead to [...]

Work-Life Balance in the Military

The purpose of this research is to establish the main concerns work-life balance in most of the organizations and fields of employment such as the military, business enterprise, health care facilities just to mention but [...]

Strawberries History

They are the most famous and trendiest fruits in the planet. Strawberries are also used as ingredients in strawberry tiramisu which substitutes the coffee flavor for tasty and colorful strawberry effect.

Customer Service Coordination

Self-management on the other hand is the key factor because the coordinator must be self-aware all the time in relation to the environment and the needs of the customers.

National Fuel Company

In the view of Vibert, the essentials of a game are players, actions, information, strategies, payoffs, outcomes and equilibria."Players, actions and outcomes are the rules of the game while information and actions are the building [...]

Company Analysis

However, Home Care, Fabric Care, Hair Care, and Oral Care are the most successful segments; Figure 1: 1950-2009 P&G Product Strategy Source: Smith Customer Relationship Management: Now, P&G is concentrating more on serving more customers [...]

Urbanization and the Environment

Due to urbanization, the number, the size, the kind and the compactness of cities, in addition to the effectiveness of their management of the environment are major concerns for attainment of the international sustainability.

Overview on the World’s History

The region of Mesopotamia gave birth to two of the most powerful ancient civilizations, Sumer and Babylonia, characterized by sophisticated division of authority and labor, the earliest forms of government and law, and a clear [...]

Recidivism and Incarceration

The prison system reflects the legal values and system in that crime are placed in categories and depending on the crime the prisoners will be sentenced.

Running Speed in Dinosaurs

Since both the body and the head of the bipedal dinosaurs were kept level as well as ahead of the hips despite the long tail which countered the balance, the femur sloped in front in [...]

American History (1492-1870)

If the actions of Polk while he was alive and in office contributed to the civil war, then he did much in shaping the history of United States since the war was very consequential.

Quality and Performance Management: Value Chain

While estimating the price for the product, the management tries to take into account those properties of the product that are of the greatest importance for the customer, for instance, the serviceable life of the [...]

The Virgin Blue Company-Australia

One of the director in the company summarizes "all personnel are required to support the quality of Virgin Blue and to take an active role in identifying and facilitating opportunities for improvement where the ultimate [...]

Today’s Business Trends

Therefore, research, planning and strategy has become a key pillar for such industries, and it is therefore no longer business as usual, because it is the company which has the most superior strategies and planning [...]

Concept of the Budget Management

According to QFinance dictionary, budget management refers to "the comparison of actual financial results with the estimated expenditures and revenues for the given time period of a budget and the taking of corrective action".

The Hip-Hop Genre Origin and Influence

Hess, in addition, notes that from 1970s, the development of Hip-hop as a culture has been very complex due to immigrants from different parts of the world, who in one way or another equally contributed [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2904