2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 115

32,218 samples

Korean Electronics Industry in Its Formative Years

The key strengths of the Korean electronics industry during the formative years include: creating highly favorable business environment that was aimed to attract international partners from developed countries, who were willing to invest into a [...]

Unionization Process Pros & Cons

The process of organizing a union in a company has its rules and outcomes, and this paper aims to discuss the essence of a union creation with its steps, as well as well advantages and [...]

Why Should the Penny Be Retired?

This paper argues that the penny should be eliminated due to several reasons: pennies they are useless, they harm the environment, and they cost the government and taxpayers money. Also, pennies are harmful to the [...]

Advanced Nurse Practitioners Practice Models

Topic Supervisory Practice Supervisory Practice Supervisory Practice List the name of a State that is representative of each regulatory model. The states characterized by this approach include Texas, Virginia, South, and North Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, California, Florida, etc. (American Association of Nurse Practitioners [AANP], 2017). This model is used in Pennsylvania, New York, Alabama, Arkansas, […]

Ethical Dilemma Involving a Social Worker

As a social worker, I have to decide whether to support the community group, which is unanimously opposed to the decision of the housing authorities to rent to the local mental health department to establish [...]

Bitcoin and Ripple in the Next 50 Years

Many countries such as India, Indonesia, and Japan among others have endorsed the use of Bitcoin and Ripple, despite the lack of clear policies on the operations and sustainability of such new digital currencies.

Skin Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

In order to prevent the incidence of skin cancer, the patients are recommended to undergo regular cancer screenings. Thus, following the suggested recommendations is expected to reduce the incidence of skin cancer among patients.

Teacher’s Resilience

The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the aspects that may challenge my resilience and the way my experience can help me deal with the possible difficulties.

Social Media Marketing of Luxury Fashion Brands

The objectives of the study: To examine the impact of companies' messages on consumer behaviour; To explore the influence of people's messages on consumer behaviour; To compare the influence of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Zappos Company in the Footwear Market

Many investors had no desire to consider the opportunity of providing funds for an online shoe store even though products offered in the classic shops failed to meet the needs of the targeted market due [...]

Nike Corporation Analysis

Trevor Edwards is the President of the Nike Brand, which is a position that presupposes the involvement into and overseeing of all activities associated with the management of the company's brand as well as tangible [...]

Beneficiaries of Humanitarian Action

He proves that it is important to engage the beneficiaries of humanitarian action because people are the main agents of change, and change is something that can improve the quality of human life.

School Fire Crisis: Response Plan

Operations: This department will handle the challenges of the crisis by providing necessary support to students and families. Logistics: The logistics team will be in charge of managing and delivering all necessary equipment and supplies [...]

Ohio’s Board of Nursing

This is the case because NPs in the state are not permitted to practice independently. The role of Ohio's Board of Nursing is to govern and dictate the practice of licensed nurses.