2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 245

35,450 samples

Dichotomies of Western Studies

The West's superiority in technical, economic, and military-strategic terms has generated in the minds of a certain circle of researchers the illusion of the inferiority of the Eastern world.

The Sexism Behind HB16 Bill

Titled as "Texas Born-Alive Infant Protection Act," the document seeks to protect the rights for the life of children that survived the abortion.

Gang Culture of Latino Male Youth

According to the authors, an occupational viewpoint is vital in inspecting how the exceptional context of a person's life and location can affect the kind of professions which they are a part of.

Credible Medical Information

One of the sources that knowledge workers, and health care professionals in particular, can use to enhance their knowledge on various issues related to medicine and patient care is Health On the Net Foundation's website.

Studying Philosophy: Drawbacks

The change of character, social rejection, and ultimate despair can be possible negative implications of the philosophy investigation. Therefore, the philosophy exploration can lead to the despair caused by a clear understanding of the world's [...]

The Formation of American History

As I would like to think, the United States has consistently hosted a two-gathering framework, first in the resistance between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists and afterward in the opposition between the Republicans and the [...]