6 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 12

8,928 samples

The concept of space and time

In 1986, Szamosi delved into the subject again this time round detailing how the perceptions of space and time developed from earlier attempts of primitive life forms to understand their world to become the modern [...]

“Making Crime Count” by Kevin D. Haggerty

Haggerty was more concerned with the profound aspect than the mere validity of the statistics about crime; he wanted the readers to realize the implications of constructivists approach to the validity and the truth of [...]

Personal Review of Avatar

It is possible to agree and accept the discussion of the plot, however, the review is more about the alien forces aimed at winning the territory.

Blueprint of a workplace process

Specifically, the report describes the process implementation; the context in which the process was implemented, results of the implementation and concludes with recommendations for improvement in the future implementation of the transformational process at business [...]

United States Population Growth

In connection to the Latin American immigrants, the census conducted by the Census Bureau in 2008-2009 established that in terms of birth rate, the number of children born in the United States belonging to the [...]

The Cause of the Crime

Since it takes a lot of time and resources to get involved in crime, it is evident that involvement in crime is entirely due to decision of the person to gain the rewards that are [...]

Mesopotamian Civilization

The history of this great land can be traced through looking at the history of different people who occupied it who included the Sumerians, the Akkadians, the Amorites, the Hitites, the Kassites, the Assyrians, and [...]

21st Century Environmental Perils

Al Gore mentioned that the bold steps that are supposed to be taken in order to deal with the climate crisis are similar steps that are supposed to be taken to deal with the problem [...]

Coca-Cola India

The following is a statement of an ethical issue that the Coca-Cola Company in India has to deal with in order to maintain its sells in India.

Bollywood Film Industry

This has popularized Bollywood films outside India making Bollywood a great exporter of films to about 95 countries in the world, with the majority importers of these films being Canada, UK, and US. The dancing [...]

Renewable Energy Sources

Thus, the establishment that the use of fossil fuels adversely affects the environment is important in explaining the shift to the use of renewable energy sources.

Netcare Company’s Success

One of the key competencies is organizational growth that has seen Netcare utilize the expertise in the market to break through both the private and the public health markets.

The film Eastern Promises

The major beliefs addressed in the film are that although the evil always seem to have its way most of the time, the good always prevails in the end.

Management and Organizational Behavior

But it is possible for he/she to arise to the position of influence through stature, good example is the ruling system in monarchy governments such as the United Arab Emirates, The United Kingdom and The [...]

Tourism in Japan

The tsunami covered a distance of about 23 feet from the coast of the country in the northern part of the country causing thousands of deaths and destruction of properties.

Abortion and Virtue Ethics

Those who support the right of a woman to an abortion even after the final trimester makes the assertion that the Constitution does not provide any legal rights for a child that is still within [...]

Coca-Cola Company Environment

Coca-Cola Company has diversified its products, and over 500 brands are marketed in the global markets by the company. The demand for carbonated drinks has been on the decline, and this has reduced the sales [...]

Diplomatic Immunity

The legal agreement about the protection to be accorded to diplomats is arrived at after the government which is sending the diplomat and the one where the diplomat is being hosted agree on the rights [...]

Kellogg’s Supply Chain

To realize the benefits of successful supply chain management, the following issues should be considered: Business location: It is important to locate a business in a place that is convenient to its operations.

Intercultural Global Business Industry

How the strategy will improve interpersonal relationships within the global business industry and foster intercultural competence This study will be a multi-thronged approach to the issues of cultural variations and interpersonal relationships in the global [...]

Cause and Effect of Poverty

For example, the disparities in income and wealth are considered as a sign of poverty since the state is related to issues of scarcity and allocation of resources and influence.

Representation of gender in media

Stereotyping is not a new term in the media industry especially with regard to how men and women are represented. Nevertheless, representation of gender in media is a debatable issue that continues to affect the [...]

Marketing Plan Critique: Xeros

Though, the flaws of the plan are not that crucial and the plan can be improved. As for the strengths of the present section, it is possible to state that the customer profile portrays the [...]

Safety Engineering

The importance of safety culture and management To achieve safety goals, any organization is to be familiar with safety culture. Safety engineering is really the important science as it gives the students the opportunity to [...]

Zenith PM Management Change

This report involves the process of changing from the traditional manufacturing to the offsite manufacturing. A lot of work is not done in the project site, and this reduces the amount of disruption in the [...]

The Bunker Hill Monument

The staircase is spiral and is constructed in the inside of the monument up to the pinnacle. The only option that was feasible was to sell the acquired parcels of land to raise the required [...]

The Last Supper in the Bible

The initial analogical provision with regards to the last supper was pegged on the reports of the festival as found in the bible where God is said to have instructed the Israelites to sacrifice a [...]

Republic of China towards Taiwan

Therefore, the next discussion not only gives the summary of Murray's book but also focuses on the impact of the Republic of China towards the political, economic and social development of Taiwan.

Apple: Company Analysis

Customers are attracted to Apple's products for a variety of reasons, including the reduced amount of training resulting from the use of their products, advanced graphics capabilities in their gadgets, industrial design features of the [...]

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal refers to a formal management system that is used by organizations in the evaluation of individual employee performance. Source: Bhattacharyya is of the opinion that performance appraisal is one of the most important [...]

Syria and the Revolution

The government used extreme force on the protestors and the demonstrations spread rapidly to various other parts of the country. The ethnic divisions in Syria further complicate the conflict since the county's elite and Assad's [...]

An E-Business Analysis of Amazon.com

In addition, Amazon has managed to clinch a share of the market of the film release industry. While the company offers these services online, there is an option of delivery of most products in that [...]