6 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 2

8,928 samples

Truancy in Schools

The meeting with the students was meant for counseling, where as the meeting with the parents and teachers were to determine the impact of the intervention program.

Policy Analysis and Ethics

Kingdon simplified the art of public policy making into four stages: The setting of the agenda; the specification of alternatives from which a choice is to be made; an authoritative choice among those specified alternatives, [...]

Social Justice and Gay Rights

This perception of gays was radically reformed thanks to the efforts of gay rights movements which trace their roots to the 1960s and the Stonewall Riots of 1969 which marked the birth of the gay [...]

Future of Japanese Families

Role of the Father The role of the father in the Japanese family may significantly change in the coming years because there will be lesser involvement of Japanese fathers in the lives of their children.

Theater Review Moon Over Buffalo

The mistake identities of various characters and malapropism also contribute to blocking in the play. As a result, actors only dream of a life and success in the movies.

The Right to Live or Die

Kevorkian's actions turn out to be a good approach to decide whether the right to live or die is still available to people, or whether it is necessary to pay more attention to doctors' activities [...]

Porter’s Five Forces

So, to conduct the analysis of the threat of mobility, it is necessary to concentrate on the barriers for entering and developing and analyze the possible reactions from new competitors' sides."Barriers to entry are the [...]

Sex Offender Registration and Notification

Megan's Law is served to notify the vast majority of sexual offenders in society; its study allows to analyze the impact of the law on inhabitants of New Jersey, its effects and effectiveness, and the [...]

Groundhog Day: Ethical Analysis of the Movie

The ideas, introduced in the film, deserve much attention; the story of self-improvement may help lots of people improve their own lives and the lives of the people around; the ethical aspects of "Groundhog Day" [...]

Democracy in the Middle East

The openness of democracy has many advantages and is the principal reason that has continued to push many nations to fight for democratic leadership. These non-democratic governments are aware of the power of the freedom [...]

The Most Influential Musician from 1870-1950

This paper seeks to answer the question, 'which musician had much influence to the society between 1870 and 1950?' The methodology of answering this question will be based on the influence that the musician had [...]

Ocean Currents: General Information

There are generally two types of ocean currents depending on the water level where the movement of oceanic water takes place and they are the deep ocean currents and the surface ocean currents.

Abortion and Its Effects

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the act of abortion and offer suggestions from the research on ways of availing it as a medical procedure to eliminate the social stigma associated with [...]

The Practice of Death Penalty

Ulcepo noted in his article that though capital punishment continues to be practiced today in several countries like the USA, my feeling is that pleas calling for the abolishment of the death penalty should be [...]

Relational Database Systems

This is a business report, personally addressed to the manager of the Easy Drive School of Motoring explaining why and how a relational database system will address the problems of the organization.

National Indian Museum

Set up by the Indian government in the forties of the previous century, this museum is located in the capital city of New Delhi and is the biggest in the country.

Two Poems with TV Drama 24

The main ideas which the authors of both the poem and the song are proposing will also be summarized and finally a link will be provided between the piece of literary work, the song and [...]

Trade Between Taiwan and Japan

The target market is the general population of Japan; to reach the wide market, the goods will be packaged in packages affordable to the less fortunate and the poor.

I Stand Here Ironing

It is essentially a story about internal struggles that a mother faces and the need to redefine herself and her understanding of this role as she reflects on the life of her daughter.