9 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 10

2,810 samples

The Expulsion of the Acadians

The expulsion of the Acadians from the British Colony of Nova Scotia by Governor Charles Lawrence is one of the best-known cases of forced displacement of European colonists in North America.

Archaeology of Ancient People

This was followed by the discovery of Australopithecus africanus that dated between 3 million and 4 million years ago. The next fossils discovered were of Australopithecus robustus that dated between 2 million and 3 million [...]

The Case of Stolen Donation Money

List of dilemmas to be faced: a tough call As it has been stressed above, the primary dilemma of the given case concerns the choice that the Western Australian Museum CEO have to make in [...]

Social Analysis of Magda

Before the beginning of the therapy, a social worker must operate within the law of the UK with regard to anti-discriminatory, anti-oppressive practices, and observe the HCPC standards on performance, conduct, and ethics and best [...]

Strategic Management at Tesco PLC

This has been achieved through the sensitivity of the company to the needs of the local customers as well as the provision of customer-friendly goods and services at affordable prices.

Management Prospective-HSBC Holdings PLC

The report outlines and explains recommendations on the strategies that the firm should consider in dealing with the identified challenges. By integrating the concept of organisational identification and environmental sustainability, the firm will be in [...]


Each situation requires the leader to influence the people by building a certain type of relationship between the people and the leader.

British Airways

How Management and Leadership Styles Affect the Direction of the Business BA's management and leadership styles are bound to affect the direction of the company because they are the main wheels behind the efficiency and [...]

Project Team Involvement in a Merger

In this case, the report discusses the use of project team in a merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq companies in the computer industry. The integration of both management and cultures was used as the strategy [...]

Walmart’s Supply Chain

The characteristics of Wal-Mart's supply chain, the competitive advantages of the company's supply chain and the incorporation of RFID forms the basis for this study.

GCGDA’s Project Management

To ensure success in this context, emphasis should be laid on the project goals and objectives, the project resources, the sources of project funds, and the key issues that affect the performance of the project.

Slavery and the Civil War

Thus, the main impact of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery which changed the economic and social structures of the South and contributed to shifting the focus on the role of federal government.

The Miseries of Enforced Marriage

However, Qi Hong and Jiang Mei, on the one hand, seem like a love that is falling victim to the expectations of the society because there are a lot of economic and moral considerations.

The Dubai Quality Award

In addition to recognizing the top achievers in the various sectors, both private and public, the award aims to foster a culture of excellence by inciting the players in the industry to aspire to continually [...]

Internet Models of Airbnb and Uber Companies

Purpose or overview The purpose of this research paper is to establish the benefits of the internet business platform of the Uber and Airbnb, alongside their competitors such as Lyft, SideCab, HouseTrip, and Travelmob, to [...]

Sex Tourism Concept

A major aspect of sex tourism is the commoditization of the bodies of the participants in the destination country. In spite of the prevalence of sex tourism, few travelers are willing to identify with the [...]

Sea Oak’ by George Saunders

The reason for this is that, despite the unconventional sounding of the story's plot line, it appears innately consistent with what happened to be the socially suppressed unconscious anxieties, on the part of readers.

Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation Analysis

The main qualitative aspects of the Company's functioning through the years 2007-2012 were: a) The Company's implementation of the asset disposal policy throughout this period, PPC had sold three of its processing/distributing facilities in the [...]

Gardens Role in Great Depression

Although the main causes of the great depression are still vague and contentious to date, the overall outcome was unexpected and resulted in the universal loss of trust in the economic future.

Selected Works of Lu Hsun

In this essay, I will argue that the eighteen short stories in the Selected Works of Lu Hsun presents a picture of the social realities of china and present the emergence of the new Chinese [...]

Emiratisation Marketing Campaign

Thus, the main objective of the campaign will be to create awareness about the capabilities of Emirati employees. The budget and timeline for the campaign will be presented in the last part of the report.

SodaStream Company: E-Marketing Strategy

The key opportunity, which the organization faces in the global market, is becoming a corporate giant in the non-alcoholic beverage production industry, whereas the failure to beat the opponents and reach the top of the [...]