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Traditional Japanese Design Elements

This rapid and uncontrollable process included intensive Westernization during which the Japanese managed to commercialize their deeply-rooted philosophy and culture, which was seen in the successful sales of decorative goods symbolizing the Japanese culture and [...]

Women Studies: Oral History Project

Unlike Jacinta who did not have the right over the number of children that she had and lacked the opportunity to choose a husband of her choice, contemporary women have control over their families' sizes, [...]

Turkish History Since 1900 B.C.

The introduction of the Latin alphabets and writings in schools were some of the initiatives which the president used in order to secularize the Turkish society.

Act and Rule Utilitarianism

Considering that John is a drunkard who drove himself to the accident that led to the rapture of his kidney; the choice of giving him the kidney would be avoided based on the fact that [...]

Artist-Promotion Relation: Commercialization and Art

Through Orlean's article, the artist-promotion relation, in addition to being a commercially successful marketing move, it could be sensed that the author views this relationship as a step of closing the gap between the art [...]

Pro Forma Financial Statements

This will enable the company owners to come up with accurate profits of the organization and the financial needs of the organization within the period of forecasting. The financial projections in the pro forma statements [...]

Antigone Reading Response

On the other hand, Antigone looked at things in a totally different perspective from Creon; she believed it was her duty as a woman to bury the body of a family member and proceeded to [...]

Conductor Observation: Carlos Kleiber

Indeed, what the audience often recognizes as the charm and the magnificence of the baton is the result of the conductor's countless years of thorough training and constant effort, not counting natural talent, of course.