1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 5

4,220 samples

The Key of BlackBerry Marketing

Delay in technical certification is a factor that contributed to the decline in sales of BlackBerry in the smartphone industry. In this view, BlackBerry should ensure that its user fees are the lowest in the [...]

Buddhism in a Post- Han China

However, the influence of Buddhism was because of the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 AD. After the fall of the Han, most of the scholars in China abandoned the Confucian philosophy that had [...]

Ethical Relativism Concept

Indeed, just as societies have different frameworks for assessing the ethical or moral implications of their actions, it is equally important to acknowledge that these ethical and moral actions are also subject to time adjustments.

The God’s World Creation Story

With respect to the first chapters of Genesis, Hamilton posits, "...the battle lines are drawn between the interpretation of the creation story and scientific knowledge about the origin of the earth and mankind".

Advocating for Biracial Adoption

To oppress the black people during the slave era in America, and avoid the poor people of the Caucasoid race from cooperating with the oppressed blacks, the plantation owners developed the concept of the white [...]

Green Power, Its Merits and Demerits

The renewable energy sources used to provide green power can guarantee energy security in the world. Green power produces energy without subjecting the environment to the hazards posed by the traditional sources of energy.

The Feminist Movement

The terms women's liberation and women's movement are synonymous to the feminist movement. Today, the feminist movement still fights for rights of women in the majority of countries across the globe.

The Mexican Drugs Cartels

Apparently, Mexican drug cartels have dominated the illegal drug trading in the United States, as there is increased co-operation with the prisoners and street peddlers in the United States; moreover, drug trafficking has spread rapidly [...]

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is an important field of medicine because it deals with preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects of physical fitness and injuries in sports.

Color and Light

History in the physics lesson indicates that Isaac Newton was the inventor of light since 1672; he applied the logic of a prism to discover that the prism could split the sunlight to various colours [...]

Impact of Nuclear Energy in France

Through the process, heat energy is released from the bombardment of the nucleus and the neutrons. The need to manage the nuclear waste affected the economic parameters attached to nuclear energy.

Yahoo: Organizational Development and Change

Other products and services include the following: Yahoo associates with several content suppliers in products like Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Music, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Movies, Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Games and Yahoo News to offer news and [...]

Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

After considering the evidence that Brown uses in the 'Da Vinci Code', especially the gospel of Philip, I am of the opinion that although Gnostic gospels rejected by the early church portray Jesus as more [...]

Scenario Project: Investigative Plan

The punishment of the offenders of the crimes will also help in discouraging other people from engaging in the vices, thus ensuring improvement of the ultimate security of the residents and the neighborhood of Brooklyn.

E-Recruitment: Analysis of Current Trends

E-recruitment has revolutionalized the process of recruitment because it is cheap, fast, and allows organizations to hire employees from a wide assortment of talents from around the world. A common consequence of e-recruitment is selection [...]

Purchase of a Franchise

Additionally, it describes the process of assessment of the risks and returns associated with the business. The franchisee must note that the foremost procedure is to analyze and accent to the terms indicated within the [...]

Heavy Metal’s Gender Trends

In this research paper, an analysis of the relation of heavy metal and masculinity, power relations, misogyny within the culture, and the degradation of feminine attitudes in the genre is provided.

Managing Contemporary Warehouses

Warehouse managing is the skill of moving and storing items in a warehouse. Before the introduction of WMS in supplies and operations management, warehouse managers and employees depended on paper and clipboards inventories.

Instructional Leadership

The instructional leadership model emphasizes on three critical role of school principal: defining the mission of the school; administering the instructional program, and supporting a positive learning culture.

Power Relations in Greco-Roman Myth

Several literatures available describe the position men and women occupied in the Greco-Roman mythology, with the most interesting consideration being on the position of the women in the Greek and Roman societies.

Fitness and Sport Learning

Most of the theoretical and practical perspectives during the course have expanded my outlook on the role of sport in my life, as well as how it can enhance my professional fulfillment.

Atlantic Canada’s History

After the discovery of the Americas, the accounts and the chronicles by the men who discovered the New World amazed the Europeans of the 16th and 17th centuries.