Composing a paper of 1500 words can be challenging, especially if you need help finding the right subject to write about. The good news is that you’re not alone on this quest! Weโve decided to help students requiring inspiration for their upcoming 1500-word essay by sharing the best topics for this academic work. Here, you’ll find suitable subjects for analytical, persuasive, argumentative, and descriptive essays.
Here, we have provided a comprehensive list of ideas and an informative guide covering the essay-writing process basics. Give this article a read, and we’re sure you’ll find some exciting new topics to explore. And if you want more examples, you can visit our excellent essay database!
The major distinction in the ways in which two fields of understanding try to reach their inference too is the source of the variation in the manner in which they persuade or convince others.
Things Fall Apart is a literary work that represents the development of several different ideas like the importance of religion, significance of culture, and power that leads to conflicts of different types; Chinua Achebe made [...]
My personal life therefore bears witness to this as can be illustrated by the various ornaments that I adorn and the painting and sculptures that I have in my house.
The book gives a detailed account by using examples of how the 13 managers formerly of the Harley part of the business acted swiftly to restore the company back to its level of performance and [...]
This was followed by the formation of a new institution with a new treasurer who was vested with the role of collecting the proceeds of dissolution and the first fruits and tenths on behalf of [...]
In this essay, I argue the issue of the role of settings in the novel Passing by Nella Larson, because the resent research in the field of literature have shown that the setting makes the [...]
This means that if the demand of a given commodity is high and the supply of that commodity is not adequate to meet the market needs, then the cost of that item will rise.
The setting of the first scene in the frame is a place of worship, probably a whole church or a section in a church. There is evidence to this in the presentation of priests in [...]
Thus, evolutionary behaviors of territory marking can effectively happen in natural setting where cats have freedom to explore their environment and interact with other cats during mating.
Emperor Constantintine's declaration of Christianity as state religion in the former Roman Emperor became the foundation of the Papacy in the Roman Catholic Church.
Although the novel is a fictional account of the lives of women and immigrant workers in the US, it gives us an insight of the lives and struggles of immigrant women in America.
The types of questions asked in the interview as well as the structure of the interview process itself is one of the many factors that play a crucial role in selecting the best applicant for [...]
However, while Wollstonecraft approaches the solution to the problem from the educational viewpoint and claims that the key to a successful and full-fledged participation of woman in social and family life lays in proper education, [...]
The organization has to handle the talent management in the organization through a holistic approach based on the organization structure. This calls upon the human resource managers to ensure that talent management in the organization [...]
This essay will analytically dwell on the significance of training to an organization, characteristics of trainers, trainees' perception of how training will impact on the organization and the outcome of training.
The technical skills possessed by these pilots and their ability to fly sophisticated aircrafts both in space exploration missions and air combat has evolved since 1945 and undoubtedly continuous to play critical role in the [...]
In this case, the visit to the supermarket reveals Jack's true nature as an American who is proud of his way of life, and the satisfaction he feels after buying goods from the supermarket.
Logically, the basic element in any pursuit is the end itself; consequently, the task here is to determine the element that stands out as the end as opposed to means to something else.
Some writers have tried to explore the contents of the book and why the "black other" is central in explaining the experiences of the African diaspora.
Harris proposes that the focal length relates to the concave and convex lenses because it is part of that system, when it is looked at in relation to the focal point, thus defined as the [...]
The major forms of racism that are evident in the country are discrimination, and marginalization, with the African-American, Latin- American and the Muslims being the victims: the dominant people are the Native American who was [...]
This is due to the health concerns which are or have been concerned with smoking. In addition to this, there is a negative implication to the non-smokers who work with or seek the services of [...]
Paine does not see the necessity of a government because to him the government is the worst tool of oppression. Paine is opposed to the idea that America has flourished under the surveillance of Britain.
According to Lincoln, the government officials in Sierra Leone complained that it was difficult to control and manage the diamond industry and as a result the smuggling of illegal diamonds continued as late as 2009.
He examines the concept of the expansive learning answering a number of questions concerning subjects and objects of learning, motivation and learning strategies used.
Boeing has also stated that the 787 dreamliner fuel consumption is twenty percent less compared to other previous models of the same size like the Boeing 767.
The accusers took advantage of the ignorance of the people to make them believe that it was indeed supernatural causes which made the town of Salem suffer.
Brownmiller argues that rape results from the prevalent male-female struggle in the society where men seek to reclaim their perceived social status and domination through humiliation and degradation of women and this may take the [...]
Most of the research on women in early Christianity has grown out of the contemporary debate over the ministry and priesthood of women, with the result that the literature is heavily weighted in favor of [...]
It is essential that the lesson plan developed for the on-coming reading class is going to be based on the students' background knowledge in accordance with the principles introduced by Donovan and Bransford as the [...]
In addition to use of food as a gesture of goodwill, silver and silk hold a significant position with regard to expression of courtesy for an act of appreciation of ones life. The size and [...]
The research focuses on the functions and responsibilities of the company's officers and employee. The general manager of the property management department should not report to the chief operating officer.
Cantor insists that the studies carried out are not meant to act as a scapegoat for pedophilia but it is meant to enhance the process of treating and even curing pedophilia.
The two main reasons for this are; democracy has been a key principle in the neo-conservative world view and to contribute to the peaceful resolution of the conflict in the region.
The future research must focus on the analysis of the spiritual and emotional aspects of Parkinson's disease and possible ways to improve psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of elderly people with PD.
Eileen was a woman without remorse as she was not bothered by the death of her victims. It is said that her intention was to capture the attention of the man she was dating.
In examining the character of the first child as the basis of this hypothesis, the author refers to the British Millennium Cohort Study and examines the effects of infant temperament, childhood socioemotional and behavioral characteristics [...]
In order for Kingsford to increase its success, it needs to investigate ways to increase overall charcoal use among consumers as well as the sales of Kingsford.
During the burial of the people who had died during the Peloponnesian war, Pericles, the son of Xanthippus was chosen to deliver a speech in their praise, and it is in his speech that some [...]
One of the strength of abstinence is that it offers a permanent solution to the problems caused by drinking alcohol. One of the weaknesses of abstinence as a method of treatment is that it ignores [...]
This includes the call to adventure, the encouragement of a wise old man, the hero falls in love, the hero is in the belly of the whale, magic flight and help from friends, battle with [...]
This view of the global demand of crude oil as a factor towards the price of both crude oil and that of gasoline is derived from the study of the prices of the two commodities [...]
The gap between the status of women and that of men is referred to as gender spaces hindering women from knowledge used by men in reproducing income resource power and privileges of advancement knowledge Universities [...]
The Europeans initially considered African land as worthless, however, by the end of the 19th century their perception about Africa had changed due to the changes in Europe making them move to Africa for rescue.
In the case of modern day photographers the use of extensive photoshopping in order to change the appearance of models can be likened to the actions of history's artists in that their very survival depends [...]
Surveys of parents suggest that they acquire home computers and subscribe to Internet access to provide learning opportunities for their children, and to equip them for the 'information-age.' It is obvious that many parents are [...]
Gossip Girl's innovative representation of technology as a character, via the faceless narration of the blogger, Gossip Girl herself, and the literal aural depiction of gossip as it goes viral via personal mobile devices in [...]
Functionalism theory views inequality as unavoidable and important to the society while conflict theory considers inequality to result from conflict and coercion in the social system.
In chapter three, Jacobs elaborates the events that would happen during the New Year, the fact that the hiring day coincided with New Year's holidays is a show that the Southerners wanted to paint slavery [...]
The depressed and anxious mind sabotages one's efforts to loosing weight thus leading to the weird feeling of hopelessness and the good efforts or intentions capsizes leaving one to the option of the detrimental food [...]
Such research has touched on the topics of community based sex education programs, perception of sex education among teenagers, teachers and parents, sources of sex education and importance of sex education.
The next phase of the conflict ranged from the year 1948 to the year 1967-a phase that was marked by the time the state of Israel was declared and the time the six days war [...]
Concerning 'The story of Qin Ju', the main actress Qin Ju although she is expectant and she was in her last trimester could not burry her head in the sand after seeing her husband kicked [...]
There is evidence that with the advent and influence of the young Americans in Vittula, even the native practices and professions such as the lumberjacks had to suffer or transform to the more mechanized approaches [...]
The identification of the major components of a job is an important part of job design and many companies today have conducted job design activities to ensure that their employees meet the organization's goals and [...]
As the U.S.economy is estimated to barely reach a 1% growth rate by the end of 2011 this signifies a concurrent decline in consumer spending making the future of our company uncertain in light of [...]
Through curriculum reforms and appropriate teaching techniques, focus should be directed at improving the students' performance to ensure that their performance increases to an average of 80% in these areas.
One who is trying to numb and avoid remembrance of the event is likely to avoid thoughts, activities, places and even feelings that may associate with the trauma, have a feeling of detachment from others [...]
The research explores the way in which the youth of Australia defines the notion of good health and consequent wellbeing, and the effects of this wellbeing on the young people of Australian society.
On the contrary, the performance of women in the business is also affected by their innate traits such as charisma, which is critical in entrepreneurship and career progression in the workplace.
The core goal of the agency pertains to the improvement of food production. The agency has been complimented for effective response to emergencies in terms of food distribution.
This study therefore intends to synthesize the issue of internal public relations and how it impacts the productivity and loyalty of employees in Saudi Arabia.
This battle was and still remains one of the most significant occurrences of contemporary history as the united forces shattered the core of the Nazi troops and as a result speeding up the devastation of [...]
The upheaval of social media has made people to lose the meaning of activism. This is to show that freshman needed more of activism not the social media to complete the resistance.
Therefore, if the price of a commodity increases while the income of the per-capita income of the people remains the same, the demand of the commodity will decrease and so will the supply hence a [...]
It is very important for remedial measures to be undertaken so as to decrease the impact of the change on the organization as well as to search for turnaround on the present day tendency lines [...]
One of the underlying issues covered in the document is the need for covered entities to tighten internal and external compliance procedures by ensuring that their business associates subscribes to a set of standards and [...]
The tensions recorded within the model's steps are attributed to the lack of clarity in the undefined missions, and structures which do not give an ear to the major stakeholders of the organization who the [...]
Proponents of these poets commend positively on the different approach and styles the authors have adapted, giving them credit on how they have managed to break the monotony by introduced new styles and ways of [...]
Although there has been intense debate about the causes of patella syndrome, with some researchers suggesting that one of the likely causes is the maltracking of the patella on the femur as a direct consequence [...]
In this light, it will focus and analyse the company based on the people who surround the company, the technology that the company has employed and the processes it has implemented in its operations.
On the same note, the study will try to bring determine the attitudes and perceptions that women have with regards to raising their children on and off the reservations.
Grant Devilly and Peter Cotton share the view that PD is harmful in the recovery process of trauma survivors. It is important to note that the use of PD has only persisted since no other [...]
There is a widespread investment of capital across the world in search for clients and markets. Being able to reduce this gap is highly crucial in the creation of a peaceful and just international community.
This paper will review the a issue of women's rights in Saudi Arabia from the perspective of four different groups including the modern Saudi women, traditional Saudi women, Government officials, and international women's rights organizations.
What must be understood though is that such characteristics are dependent upon the type of technical teams that are the backbone of the company wherein through the utilization of a variety of management practices a [...]
A good writing has its main points as the introduction of the section, and a strong conclusion highlighting the strength of the section and linking it to the next idea in the paper.
The goal of the study is to establish the relationship between stress management and work performance and the best approach to manage stress to meet organizational goals.
William Bridge emphasizes in his book, Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change", that the employees were required to shift from manual recording of business transactions to the use of computers within the last six [...]
Various models have been adopted to eradicate the problem, but the general formula to control the issue has been through the exclusion of the homeless from the main city as lepers into the territorial confinement [...]
In this story, the author examines the theme of race and identity by hiding Desiree's identity. In the story, it is evident that knowing one's identity and origin helps a person connect with the society.
Through blogging, many people add information to the web leading to a tremendous growth of information on the web. Companies have been rather slow in accepting and implementing the new technology of web 2.0.
Regarding the place of women in Buddhism, it is interesting to note that Buddhism is not attached to any gender despite the fact that Buddha himself has historically been a man.
Genes used in genetic engineering have a high impact on health and disease, therefore the inclusion of the genetic process alters the genes that influence human behavior and traits.
Niu argues that one of the main interests that should motivate the use of the UAE national power against the Daeesh in Iraq and Syria is the access to vital geographical areas, like the Mediterranean [...]
This essay argues that emotions are integral parts of decision-making by referring to the theme of emotions, reality, and decision-making in John Updike's "A&P".
The findings of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of external variables related to online learning environments in predicting the ability of users to adopt online learning community.
To facilitate the immigration of the Puritan community, the Massachusetts Bay Company was formed by a number of Puritan businessmen. The first English colonists to reach the shores of Massachusetts Bay were able to clear [...]
Although the Europeans started the First Crusade in order to respond to the religious goal of freeing the Holy Land from the Muslims, the actions of the crusaders were also influenced by the economic and [...]
This paper applies the vertical differentiation model on the prices of consumer products sold by the 'Big Four' supermarkets in the UK, which comprise of Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury's, and Morrisons.
The weakness of the model is that the relationships between the variables keep changing with time and the model has to be refined to adapt to the changing organization.
Emerging technologies, in their varied forms and scope, are transforming the world of work, how business entities function, change and progress, and the nature of leadership, managerial and professional careers within the context of the [...]
The phases of development in a group are important for the growth of a group, therefore enabling a group to face and tackle arising problems, find the solutions to these problems, and deliver quality results.
On the other hand, Tamweel Company has efficient knowledge and experience in uniqueness of products and services in terms of their requirement in order to produce high quality products in its operations managed system. The [...]
In the end, democracy becomes just another way of imposing the will of the few upon the many thus implying that governments claiming to be governments of the people are really fiction.
This assertion and this type of interpretation did not spring out of anything; it came from the point of view of victorious leaders driven by the desperate need to conquer the West. They were the [...]
As the project in question shows rather low Savers and Shoppers indices, it is reasonable to adopt the promotion strategy based on branding and the analysis of the psychodynamics of the target market.
Despite the classical themes in both the Alexandre and La Thebaide, Jean Racine had already entered the realm of controversial issues and was compelled to evoke ideas in the minds of his audience.
In a business world that has known the impact of globalization and the use of technology to lower production costs it has become imperative to reduce waste, increase efficiency and to produce high-quality goods and [...]
For example, an examination of the spread of diseases within areas in India, particularly the city of Mumbai, show that the rate of catching disease is higher as compared to various suburbs located outside of [...]
By demonstrating the values behind each religion, globalization leads to greater understanding and tolerance of humanity’s leading religious traditions, one of which is Christianity.
William Adler closely examines the disrupted lives of the three women who occupy an assembly-line job as the job and its company moves from New Jersey to rural Mississippi and to Matamoros, Mexico, across the […]
The lecture provokes the interest to the evaluation of the consequences of globalization. The accumulation of the first experience has started with watching the different documentary and feature movies about the global and cultural integration […]
Nevertheless, there is another concern that we should worry about; and that is the worsening of health services or hindering in the flourishing of health services in the future.
Globalization understood as the result of enhancements in the spheres of transportation, means of production and diversification of consumers’ needs, have simply sped up the processes of economic exchange.
The letter G stands for Globalization and the and the same time it also stands for Gaming for it is the propensity of those born in this particular generation not only to play advanced computer […]
When we look at some of the businesses in the world that are on the forefront in the world of successful business, we find businesses such as the banking institutes, medical providing institutions, academic institutions, […]
As Featherstone states, ‘the root ‘global’ seems to possess a self-evident quality in its suggestion of not only the expansion of the scope of our social relations to the planetary limits but also in the […]
In the following essay those issues of the both countries will be discussed which are the challenge of most of the families and how does globalization is related to it.
Even though the First World War shook Europe to the core, the combination of the first and the Second World War created a three world order, modeled along three rival political affiliations.
๐ Research Paper 1500 Words Topic Ideas
Is diversity a good thing for team cohesion, and why?
The reasoning behind this is that the role of sex education is not to instruct children not to have sex but rather to provide comprehensive and inclusive education on sex.
During a long period of time, guns have changed the world considerably: they help to defend oneself; they make it easier and faster to kill and injure people, very often, innocent people; and they obliterate […]
For example, the moral principle of the teacher that there should be the same attitude for every student can lead to misunderstanding both on the part of parents and the whole school.
The “snitches” work by pretending to be part of felonious groups while secretly reporting the proceedings to police forces like the FBI. The spies’ ability to acquire first-hand evidence from the apparent offenders makes the […]
๐ Topic Ideas for a Global Warming Essay in 1500 Words
It can be tricky to navigate the intricacies of essay writing, especially regarding the significant requirement of 1500 words. Here, we present a persuasive essay guideline to engage your readers and communicate your ideas.
1500 Word Essay Structure
When crafting an essay, nothing is more crucial than working on its structure. You can follow the following format:
Begin with a concise introduction of about 150 words, establishing the topic and thesis statement.
Create the essayโs body comprising of 3 to 4 paragraphs, each around 300โ400 words long. They should present distinct arguments supported by evidence and thorough analysis.
Conclude in roughly 150 words, summarizing key points, reiterating the thesis, and delivering a strong closing statement.
1500 Word Essay Outline & Plan
Like all essays, works of 1500 words also follow a standard outline. This basic structure has the following crucial segments:
โ Introduction
This part of the work gives the readers an idea of what the essay will be about and which key points it will cover. Here, you should briefly explain your position on the topic, provide a thesis statement, and set the stage for the rest of the text. An introduction should intrigue your audience, making them want to read further. To simplify your task, you can use an introduction generator.
โ Theory
No matter how long it takes to write 1500 words, you should still provide a theoretical background. It can include facts, statistics, and other information about your subject. For example, you can talk about the latest data on gun crime, setting the stage for your arguments.
โ Evidence
Here, you write out and analyze evidence supporting your statements regarding a particular issue. Additionally, you should provide several counterarguments to your position. This way, you will give a balanced overview of the topic.
โ Conclusion
Like in every essay, the conclusive part summarizes the critical arguments in the body paragraphs and the thesis statement. It should leave people wanting to explore the subject independently and decide which side to take. To create an outstanding concluding paragraph, consider trying the conclusion maker tool.
How Many References Should I Have in a 1500-word Essay?
The number of references in a 1500-word essay can vary depending on the topic, research depth, and assignment requirements. As a general guideline, you should aim for approximately 8 to 10 references. This number will allow you to effectively demonstrate a solid research foundation and support your arguments. However, the quality and relevance of your sources are more important than the quantity. Follow your instructor’s guidelines and ensure your references are from reputable sources.
๐ฉโ๐ Importance of Education Essay 1500 Words Examples
This paper explores the importance of the tools of the tools of ICT in education and the roles that these tools have played in making learning better and easier.
My personal experience and encounter with other people who gave up their education proves that lack of ambitions and goals in life can deprive a person of professional fulfillment and personal realization in various spheres […]
Effective interaction between the course person and the listeners reduced the complications of the topic and it enabled me to admit sex is not only a means of enjoyment and merrymaking but a vital part […]
The hospital was selected because I am have been working there for a long time, and the personnel is willing to help me with the implementation of the process.
๐ง Does Age Matter Essay: 1500 Words Topic Ideas
Writing an essay about yourself is not an easy task. You will need to closely examine your experiences, values, and aspirations to put them down on paper and tie them into a coherent narrative. This is why weโve decided to provide you with some essay prompts. Use them as inspiration or guideline for your subsequent works.
My Book My Inspiration Essay 1500 Words
Discuss a book that profoundly impacted your outlook on life, values, and personal growth. Describe the most memorable events, characters, symbols, and themes you gravitated towards. What have they taught you about yourself?
My Perspective on Globalization Essay 1500 Words
Express your opinion about the rising globalization of economic and political processes. Cover the social, cultural, and environmental implications of this phenomenon. Think about where it could lead and whether it’s a positive development.
My Startup Dream Essay 1500 Words
Describe how you would launch your startup, its concept, and its potential impact. In this 1500-word essay, cover potential challenges and how you would overcome them to see your dream come true.
My Life, My Health Essay 1500 Words
Write an essay about your journey towards better health and well-being. Describe what shaped your choices, the obstacles you overcame, and how you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Have the 1500-word essay cover advice for those wishing to improve their own well-being.
โ๏ธ Examples of Sustainable Development Essay 1500 Words
The paper focuses on sustainable living plan by the global company Unilever covering nutrition, hygiene and overall health of consumers and the environment.
Attempting to address the problem of excessive emissions of CO2 and the pollution of the atmosphere, policymakers are put before a choice they either have to restrict the number of vehicles used worldwide or the […]
In this paper, it will be argued that the ecological paradigm integrating the precautionary principle and the concept of sustainability can successfully support the creation of a broad, universal international environmental law and, in this […]
Sustainable development links with the concept of ecological footprint in desiring to make development sustainable for both the present and future generations.
๐ 1500-word Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas
What are the essentials of a hero’s journey?
The importance of financial literacy for students.
A case for a free college education.
The US needs more strict gun laws.
What are the ethical implications of genome editing?
The purpose of this essay is to provide an analysis of the three articles, focusing on the environmental risks and the risk perceptions of the authors.
Today, the solutions to climate change are still highly complicated and often seem impossible due to the involvement of a wide range of factors and determiners, as well as the global nature of the phenomenon […]
To be able to become a rational person, it is essential to think critically about the concepts and domains that the individual faces and the way it will be sensible to react to them.
According to the article, global warming can lead to the extinction of native species and the emergence of invasive species. According to the articles, global warming is a serious environmental issue that leads to contamination […]
Because the general definition of climate change involves changes in the statistical components of a climate system without taking into account the causes of such changes, changes in climate over a short period of time […]
There are a number of factors that propelled the growth of tourism and these factors include the improvement of the standards of living in many developed nations, good work polices allowing more time for vacations […]
๐ 1500 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions
๐ 1500 Word Essay Is How Many Pages?
How many pages is a 1500-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take 3 pages (single-spaced) or 6 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 1500 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.
๐ How Many Paragraphs Is 1500 Words?
How much is 1500 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 1500-word essay will consist of 10-13 paragraphs.
๐ How Many Sentences Is 1500 Words?
How many sentences is a 1500-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 1500 words are not less than 75-78 sentences.
๐ How to Outline a 1500-Word Essay?
An essay of 1500 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 1500-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.
๐ How Long Does It Take to Write 1500 Words?
How long does it take to write a 1500-word essay? It will take you 30-60 minutes to type 1500 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because youโll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 5 hours for a 1500-word paper.
๐ How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 1500 Word Essay?
A typical 1500 words essay consists of 13 to 15 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.